  author = {M Kaergel and M Olbrich and E Barke},
  title = {Simulation based verification with range based signal representations for mixed-signal systems},
  journal = {Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on ...,},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = 2014,
  month = ,
  doi = {},
  comment = {},
  abstract = {},
  url = {{\url{https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2660540.2661010?casa_token=pFuLkx2ktgwAAAAA:2_kVRPPtV8pxwCTA2CadE07FkNyyh7N0pCRg2rU896eeZ7tpWcF_LUDwpUJAYoJA4Un5wfuAe3U}}},
  quotes = {... Analog systems are simulated by a SPICE-like simulator which uses a special range arithmetic, called affine arithmetic. The simulation of digital systems is extended to include the ...}