@entry{ara-cos-18-aa, author = {BMC Araujo and VM da Costa}, title = {New developments in the interval current injection power flow formulation}, journal = {IEEE Latin America Transactions,}, year = 2018, url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8447364/?casa_token=ec-6rhnbYcYAAAAA:aXk58L3myyud-IVMbSdBJLSp0EBJ9kSI8ylVOZoVcYSpa-PtUKxJxq2DbMTE_TFe4qF50nVp}}}, quotes = {... As the input data are imprecise, this paper employs the affine arithmetic to incorporate the effect of load data uncertainties on this analysis. The power flow model is expressed in terms ...} }