  author = {F B{\"u}nger},
  title = {A Taylor model toolbox for solving ODEs implemented in MATLAB/INTLAB},
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,},
  year = 2020,
  url = {{\url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377042719305163?casa_token=ru06QuKZMUEAAAAA:ujx0qqXHL5jddXiF25LFbP0cyQoryQ-L_pQgS1bXSR_x6vJlJSTeL-_YCWTiSZrPRtVKNMde}}},
  quotes = {... For the special case of degree m = 1 , standard domain D s , and center point c s this coincides with the enclosure represented by an object in affine arithmetic with k error terms. ...}