  author = {LH De Figueiredo and J Stolfi},
  title = {Adaptive enumeration of implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum,},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = 1996,
  month = ,
  doi = {},
  comment = {},
  abstract = {},
  url = {{\url{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-8659.1550287?casa_token=1BwyFrnw_O8AAAAA:e4TjfY5nJ7ZP3P5xCUxYDyKcoSSz6QGtmosCLuuKtIBVpebP-ylNzEni2r4_8c7k8vyzzY-6y1ZjAg}}},
  quotes = {... tion 4, we describe affine arithmetic, a computation technique that generally provides much ... In Section 5, we describe some experiments that exploit the properties of affine arithmetic to ...}