@entry{san-izc-02-aa, author = {JMC Sanz and PMG Izco}, title = {A new speed observer with guaranteed bounds using interval arithmetic}, journal = {IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of ...,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2002, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1185507/?casa_token=pbuK-gukuugAAAAA:P54573u3-E9LfIfr9L3_zN18qNPX1ztBZezriDd32rMRPFzAqR1op_3jjSjQPSu9tL_I_Xpc}}}, quotes = {... The technique used for this is the affine arithmetic. In the first part of the paper some basic} }