@entry{fan-rut-pue-03-aa, author = {CF Fang and RA Rutenbar and M P{\"u}schel...}, title = {Toward efficient static analysis of finite-precision effects in DSP applications via affine arithmetic modeling}, journal = {Proceedings of the 40th ...,}, year = 2003, url = {{\url{https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/775832.775960?casa_token=nqsruQHeZBIAAAAA:xxtQXDTRvr2KXG7Vwpru23fkMmpC6SnoXCjjsQ82KAdTz2-8DcJroDEQ7OPMicw-CcH4gm36_Es}}}, quotes = {... 2.2 Affine Arithmetic The modeling tool in this paper is affine arithmetic, which is an efficient ... its predecessor, interval arithmetic, and then emphasize the advantage of affine arithmetic. ...} }