@entry{kan-ois-05-aa-exodesol, author = {Y Kanzawa and S Oishi}, title = {Numerical Method of Proving Existence of Periodic Solution for Nonlinear ODE using Affine Arithmetic and Green's Function Expression}, journal = {IEICE Proceedings Series,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2005, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://www.ieice.org/publications/proceedings/summary.php?iconf=NOLTA&session_num=2-1-4&number=2-1-4-6&year=2005}}}, quotes = {... Affine Arithmetic and ... Affine Arithmetic extended to the functional space. Green\uc{2019}s Function Expression is also used to prevent from overestimating integral arithmetic with Affine Arithmetic...} }