@entry{zou-zha-cai-zho-hon-05-aa-timing, author = {Y Zou and M Zhang and Y Cai and Q Zhou...}, title = {Minimum error based affine arithmetic for variational timing analysis}, journal = {2005 6th International ...,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2005, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1611491/?casa_token=vA9kKCYG21gAAAAA:gUCiBCNWx6at-c4-NTV2nCEFZxkm52FRNA3c6E-b--ZVN8R5_09AgVXeVYfN20xSuWpdgKOh}}}, quotes = {... affine arithmetic which is widely used in statistical timing analysis and circuit simulation. The representation and calculation method for affine arithmetic is ... usefulness of affine arithmetic. ...} }