@entry{est-lop-sed-12-aa, author = {L Esteban and JA L{\'o}pez and E Sedano...}, title = {Quantization Analysis of the Infrared Interferometer of the TJ-II for its Optimized FPGA-based Implementation}, journal = {2012 18th IEEE ...,}, year = 2012, url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6418116/?casa_token=QYO7q1s9dooAAAAA:OTURamjKSVyaQMYYWH1r58XTiOl8YqcdlFOUXFwQOE22FsziMcAPLYz6J4etLTEVwkehU0As}}}, quotes = {... As a counterpart, affine Arithmetic (AA) [5] solves the overestimation problem and has proven to provide the fastest results for linear systems. However, it makes an inadequate treatment ...} }