  author = {CM Rocco S},
  title = {Affine arithmetic for assessing the uncertainty propagation on steady-state probabilities of Markov models owing to uncertainties in transition rates},
  journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical ...,},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = 2013,
  month = ,
  doi = {},
  comment = {},
  abstract = {},
  url = {{\url{https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1748006X13485189?casa_token=2OmXHvlJa50AAAAA:idzqL8xjgacyEUig8-OdK_uL-cbmA8i_Ux3c_FzXdWNy57nO7dk9bdbMijREwfhIY3q39K785WE}}},
  quotes = {... Abstract This article proposes the use of affine arithmetic as an alternative approach for assessing ... Affine arithmetic is an extension of interval arithmetic, able to track \uc{2018}\uc{2018}the dependency ...}