@entry{wan-fan-han-gel-15-aa, author = {S Wang and X Fan and L Han and L Ge}, title = {Improved interval optimization method based on differential evolution for microgrid economic dispatch}, journal = {Electric Power Components and ...,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2015, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15325008.2015.1057783?casa_token=41_pjGZ-SAgAAAAA:A4GvF11IwB_3mvj8wB1Us915plrNuleU2NJdVAp1Xk2Ba6T136W-CBuJZ0Nenkkd4YEP0wuGbR0}}}, quotes = {... algorithm based on the DE algorithm and affine arithmetic for the DED problem of the ... , and interval estimation methods by adopting affine arithmetic calculating rules, the multisection ...} }