  author = {L Esteban and JAL Mart{\'\i}n...},
  title = {Round-off noise estimation of fixed-point algorithms using Modified Affine Arithmetic and Legendre Polynomials},
  journal = {2020 XXXV Conference on ...,},
  year = 2020,
  url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9268668/?casa_token=ULaXxcGyUo4AAAAA:mvR7rPPIPlSXIbo2VQt7o-wtkE2S6TdnsvQ_blo5UqE5uLqcjc8DcHZakpTNTf7d3P_Goh4U}}},
  quotes = {... Affine Arithmetic can obtain fast and accurate estimations of the bit-widths for linear systems. However, for non-linear systems, Affine Arithmetic ... In this paper, a Modified Affine Arithmetic ...}