  author = {M Kia and M Shafiekhani and H Arasteh and SM Hashemi...},
  title = {Short-term operation of microgrids with thermal and electrical loads under different uncertainties using information gap decision theory},
  journal = {Energy,},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = 2020,
  month = ,
  doi = {},
  comment = {},
  abstract = {},
  url = {{\url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544220315255?casa_token=_ZKNj9e5yKMAAAAA:XTP14-RYTOne3p5NS0DhKWYMiH7tCXiWo-lUUZY3W1O5WfbIq_ofKdiTUWvNGgftt3ctVuJ2}}},
  quotes = {... Affine arithmetic (AA) is utilized in Ref. [45] to model the interval uncertainties and sensitivities in nodal power injections. Pourghasem et al. ...}