@entry{zha-shi-20-aa, author = {F Zhai and L Shi}, title = {Solution proposal to the unit commitment problem incorporating manifold uncertainties}, journal = {IET Generation, transmission & distribution,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2020, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fang-Zhai-3/publication/344621192_A_Solution_Proposal_to_Unit_Commitment_Problem_Incorporating_Manifold_Uncertainties/links/5f85139492851c14bcc38c91/A-Solution-Proposal-to-Unit-Commitment-Problem-Incorporating-Manifold-Uncertainties.pdf}}}, quotes = {... Furthermore, the uncertainty of power loss is considered and modeled by applying the ET and the extended affine arithmetic framework. Regarding the highly nonlinear mix-discrete ...} }