@entry{dem-che-den-21-aa, author = {N Demeure and C Chevalier and C Denis...}, title = {Tagged error: tracing numerical error through computations}, journal = {2021 IEEE 28th ...,}, year = 2021, url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9603395/?casa_token=d8C2tC8vjuYAAAAA:n5E7Wj5TLhUpHv4vF8tlHtUW7IgwPbvZSnOOf_tOrd7Q2OZNJoGHH4_Mq1BgDBatBPrl3x4Q}}}, quotes = {... This extension, which we call tagged error, is inspired by affine arithmetic [12] and lets us track the evolution, amplification or dampening, of the numerical error produced by various ...} }