  author = {W Liu and Y Lu and M Yang and M Fu and L Wang},
  title = {Differentiated local controls for distributed generators in active distribution networks considering cyber failures},
  journal = {... Journal of Electrical Power & Energy ...,},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = 2022,
  month = ,
  doi = {},
  comment = {},
  abstract = {},
  url = {{\url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061521008036?casa_token=CArlx1soyZwAAAAA:IK2d60pDTDsXxloZ9vbrCi3UcboF56ahwXU-gJobIff9OkDteX-mp1J8UMUoFdVcBLweZrvx}}},
  quotes = {... The affine arithmetic could avoid situations where intervals ... Therefore, the interval power flow method based on affine arithmetic is ... based on the affine arithmetic is described as follows: ...}