[HTML][HTML] Guaranteed state estimation by zonotopes

T Alamo, JM Bravo, EF Camacho - Automatica, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new approach to guaranteed state estimation for non-linear discrete-time
systems with a bounded description of noise and parameters. The main result is an …

[PDF][PDF] Zonotopes as bounding volumes.

LJ Guibas, AT Nguyen, L Zhang - SODA, 2003 - researchgate.net
Zonotopes are centrally symmetric polytopes with a very special structure: they are the …
optimal zonotopes enclosing given set of points or other geometry. We also show how zonotopes

Reachability of uncertain linear systems using zonotopes

A Girard - … Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and …, 2005 - Springer
… hull of two zonotopes is generally not a zonotope, hence, we can not apply directly this
method to our problem. For instance, we can replace the convex hull by the smallest zonotope

A state bounding observer based on zonotopes

C Combastel - 2003 European Control Conference (ECC), 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
zonotopes [7], which correspond to a particular class of polytopes. More precisely, a zonotope
is … a step performing a reduction of the zonotope complexity, in addition to a prediction step …

Cubillages of cyclic zonotopes

VI Danilov, AV Karzanov… - Russian Mathematical …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
… In the first part, we discuss zonotopes and fine zonotopal tilings (cubillages) of zonotopes
and introduce various useful objects in a cubillage: pies, tunnels, and so on. We also introduce …

Determinants and the volumes of parallelotopes and zonotopes

E Gover, N Krikorian - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010 - Elsevier
… In the last section, we consider zonotopes, obtain a new proof of the decomposition of a
zonotope into its generating parallelotopes, and obtain a volume formula for Z(A). © 2010 …

[HTML][HTML] Constrained zonotopes: A new tool for set-based estimation and fault detection

JK Scott, DM Raimondo, GR Marseglia, RD Braatz - Automatica, 2016 - Elsevier
… a zonotope, which we refer to as the lifted zonotope for Z . This result permits some algorithms
developed for standard zonotopes to be applied to constrained zonotopes. … lifted zonotope

[HTML][HTML] Computing reachable sets of hybrid systems using a combination of zonotopes and polytopes

M Althoff, O Stursberg, M Buss - Nonlinear analysis: hybrid systems, 2010 - Elsevier
zonotopes is, that they are not closed under intersection, ie the intersection of two zonotopes
is not a zonotope … , such that the intersection of zonotopes with guard sets has to be over-…

[PDF][PDF] Zonohedra and zonotopes

D Eppstein - 1995 - escholarship.org
… Abstract: We use Mathematica to construct zonotopes and display zonohedra. *Work
supported in part by NSF grant CCR-9258355 and by matching funds from Xerox corp …

A state bounding observer for uncertain non-linear continuous-time systems based on zonotopes

C Combastel - Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this paper, the estimated domains are represented by zonotopes. A zonotope is a
particular polytope defined as the linear image of a unit interval vector (ie unit hypercube). Some …