Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes in fixed directions
S Campi, D Haas, W Weil - Discrete & computational geometry, 1994 - Springer
… of Theorem 1, which allows us to construct the zonotope Z' explicitly as the solution of a linear
… Throughout the following we use some properties of zonoids and zonotopes without giving …
… Throughout the following we use some properties of zonoids and zonotopes without giving …
Hybrid zonotopes: A new set representation for reachability analysis of mixed logical dynamical systems
… the hybrid zonotope that contains both continuous and binary zonotope factors. It is shown
that the hybrid zonotope is equivalent to the union of 2N constrained zonotopes through the …
that the hybrid zonotope is equivalent to the union of 2N constrained zonotopes through the …
Counting faces of graphical zonotopes
V Grujić - arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.06931, 2016 -
It is a classical fact that the number of vertices of the graphical zonotope $Z_\Gamma$ is
equal to the number of acyclic orientations of a graph $\Gamma$. We show that the $f$-…
equal to the number of acyclic orientations of a graph $\Gamma$. We show that the $f$-…
Geometry of spaces between polytopes and related zonotopes
We study geometric parameters associated with the Banach spaces ( R n ,‖·‖ k,q ) normed
by ‖x‖ k,q =(∑ 1⩽i⩽k |<x,a i >| ∗q ) 1/q , where {a i } i⩽N is a given sequence of N points …
by ‖x‖ k,q =(∑ 1⩽i⩽k |<x,a i >| ∗q ) 1/q , where {a i } i⩽N is a given sequence of N points …
The Hilbert zonotope and a polynomial time algorithm for universal Gröbner bases
E Babson, S Onn, R Thomas - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2003 - Elsevier
We provide a polynomial time algorithm for computing the universal Gröbner basis of any
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …
Voronoĭ's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes
M Deza, V Grishukhin - Mathematika, 2004 -
Voronoĭ conjectured that every parallelotope is affinely equivalent to a Voronoĭ polytope.
For some m, a parallelotope is defined by a set of m facet vectors pi, and defines a set of m …
For some m, a parallelotope is defined by a set of m facet vectors pi, and defines a set of m …
[HTML][HTML] Reachability of Koopman linearized systems using random fourier feature observables and polynomial zonotope refinement
… Instead of using an SMT solver to reason over non-convex initial sets, we propose combining
Taylor models with polynomial zonotope refinement. A comparison on the same nonlinear …
Taylor models with polynomial zonotope refinement. A comparison on the same nonlinear …
A note on space tiling zonotopes
F Vallentin - arXiv preprint math/0402053, 2004 -
… for a zonotope to be a space tiling zonotope, ie a zonotope which admits a face-to-face tiling
of space by translations. Implicitly, he related space tiling zonotopes to … for zonotopes using …
of space by translations. Implicitly, he related space tiling zonotopes to … for zonotopes using …
Using complex zonotopes for stability verification
AS Adimoolam, T Dang - 2016 American Control Conference …, 2016 -
… complex zonotopes where the generator set can contain complex valued vectors. The
reason for considering complex zonotopes is that, as we demonstrate later, complex zonotopes …
reason for considering complex zonotopes is that, as we demonstrate later, complex zonotopes …
Path tracking control with state estimation based on constrained zonotopes for aerial load transportation
BS Rego, DM Raimondo… - 2018 IEEE Conference on …, 2018 -
… introduced constrained zonotopes [9]. Such sets are an extension of zonotopes, and
correspond to an alternative representation for convex polytopes. Unlike zonotopes, several …
correspond to an alternative representation for convex polytopes. Unlike zonotopes, several …