Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes in fixed directions

S Campi, D Haas, W Weil - Discrete & computational geometry, 1994 - Springer
… of Theorem 1, which allows us to construct the zonotope Z' explicitly as the solution of a linear
… Throughout the following we use some properties of zonoids and zonotopes without giving …

Hybrid zonotopes: A new set representation for reachability analysis of mixed logical dynamical systems

TJ Bird, HC Pangborn, N Jain, JP Koeln - arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14831, 2021 -
… the hybrid zonotope that contains both continuous and binary zonotope factors. It is shown
that the hybrid zonotope is equivalent to the union of 2N constrained zonotopes through the …

Counting faces of graphical zonotopes

V Grujić - arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.06931, 2016 -
It is a classical fact that the number of vertices of the graphical zonotope $Z_\Gamma$ is
equal to the number of acyclic orientations of a graph $\Gamma$. We show that the $f$-…

Geometry of spaces between polytopes and related zonotopes

Y Gordon, A Litvak, C Schütt, E Werner - Bulletin des sciences …, 2002 - Elsevier
We study geometric parameters associated with the Banach spaces ( R n ,‖·‖ k,q ) normed
by ‖x‖ k,q =(∑ 1⩽i⩽k |<x,a i >| ∗q ) 1/q , where {a i } i⩽N is a given sequence of N points …

The Hilbert zonotope and a polynomial time algorithm for universal Gröbner bases

E Babson, S Onn, R Thomas - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2003 - Elsevier
We provide a polynomial time algorithm for computing the universal Gröbner basis of any
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …

Voronoĭ's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes

M Deza, V Grishukhin - Mathematika, 2004 -
Voronoĭ conjectured that every parallelotope is affinely equivalent to a Voronoĭ polytope.
For some m, a parallelotope is defined by a set of m facet vectors pi, and defines a set of m …

[HTML][HTML] Reachability of Koopman linearized systems using random fourier feature observables and polynomial zonotope refinement

S Bak, S Bogomolov, B Hencey, N Kochdumper… - … on Computer Aided …, 2022 - Springer
… Instead of using an SMT solver to reason over non-convex initial sets, we propose combining
Taylor models with polynomial zonotope refinement. A comparison on the same nonlinear …

A note on space tiling zonotopes

F Vallentin - arXiv preprint math/0402053, 2004 -
… for a zonotope to be a space tiling zonotope, ie a zonotope which admits a face-to-face tiling
of space by translations. Implicitly, he related space tiling zonotopes to … for zonotopes using …

Using complex zonotopes for stability verification

AS Adimoolam, T Dang - 2016 American Control Conference …, 2016 -
… complex zonotopes where the generator set can contain complex valued vectors. The
reason for considering complex zonotopes is that, as we demonstrate later, complex zonotopes

Path tracking control with state estimation based on constrained zonotopes for aerial load transportation

BS Rego, DM Raimondo… - 2018 IEEE Conference on …, 2018 -
… introduced constrained zonotopes [9]. Such sets are an extension of zonotopes, and
correspond to an alternative representation for convex polytopes. Unlike zonotopes, several …