Zonotope-based interval estimation for discrete-time linear switched systems
This paper is concerned with the interval estimation for discrete-time linear switched systems
affected by unknown disturbances and noises. A novel interval estimation approach is …
affected by unknown disturbances and noises. A novel interval estimation approach is …
Zonotope-based controller synthesis for LTL specifications
… finite zonotopes and constrained zonotopes to cover the state space. Since the generated
zonotopes and constrained zonotopes … all generated zonotopes and constrained zonotopes to …
zonotopes and constrained zonotopes … all generated zonotopes and constrained zonotopes to …
Set-based state estimation and fault diagnosis of linear discrete-time descriptor systems using constrained zonotopes
… The algorithms are based on constrained zonotopes, a generalization of zonotopes capable
… of zonotopes. Additionally, unlike other set representations like intervals, zonotopes, …
… of zonotopes. Additionally, unlike other set representations like intervals, zonotopes, …
Successor Sets of Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes
This paper presents identities for calculating over-approximated successor sets of discrete-time
nonlinear systems using hybrid zonotopes. The proposed technique extends the state-…
nonlinear systems using hybrid zonotopes. The proposed technique extends the state-…
Capacity Lower Bound of Visible Light Communications Precoding on Zonotopes
X Wang, L Xia, Y Yuan, G Liu, Q Wang… - 2022 IEEE Wireless …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… on zonotopes model of channel and then derive the capacity of VLC-MIMO with precoding
when the number of transmitters is greater than receivers. Based on the zonotopes graph, two …
when the number of transmitters is greater than receivers. Based on the zonotopes graph, two …
Set-based state estimation for discrete-time constrained nonlinear systems: an approach based on constrained zonotopes and DC programming
AA de Paula, DM Raimondo, GV Raffo… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
This paper proposes a new state estimator for discrete-time nonlinear dynamical systems
with unknown-but-bounded uncertainties and state linear inequality and nonlinear equality …
with unknown-but-bounded uncertainties and state linear inequality and nonlinear equality …
Interval estimation and fault detection for switched nonlinear systems based on zonotope method
C Li, F Zhu, S Guo - Asian Journal of Control, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates the state interval estimation and fault detection (FD) problems for a
Lipschitz nonlinear switched system based on the combination of the H ∞ $$ {H}_{\infty } $$ …
Lipschitz nonlinear switched system based on the combination of the H ∞ $$ {H}_{\infty } $$ …
Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin systems via zonotopes
We establish a relation between lattice point count in graphical zonotopes, and the summands
of the decomposition theorem for the Hitchin system for $\mathrm{GL}_n$, in arbitrary …
of the decomposition theorem for the Hitchin system for $\mathrm{GL}_n$, in arbitrary …
Resilient Set-based State Estimation for Linear Time-Invariant Systems Using Zonotopes
This paper considers the problem of set-based state estimation for linear time-invariant (LTI)
systems under time-varying sensor attacks. Provided that the LTI system is stable and …
systems under time-varying sensor attacks. Provided that the LTI system is stable and …
Sensor fault detection for dynamic point‐the‐bit rotary steerable system via finite‐frequency domain observer and zonotope residual evaluation
In this paper, the sensor fault detection (FD) problem is investigated for the dynamic point‐the‐bit
rotary steerable system (DPRSS), which is known as state‐of‐the‐art oil drilling …
rotary steerable system (DPRSS), which is known as state‐of‐the‐art oil drilling …