An accurate join for zonotopes, preserving affine input/output relations

E Goubault, T Le Gall, S Putot - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer …, 2012 - Elsevier
… central zonotope, γ(Cx ) and of a perturbation zonotope centered on 0, γ(Px ). Central zonotopes
… Perturbation zonotopes depend on perturbation symbols ηj which are created along the …

Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories

A Kato - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007 -
… Since the volume of each cube Qi1,...,id is simply given by vol(Qi1,...,id ) = |det(xi1 ,...,xid )|,
this leads to the following volume formula for zonotopes, which will play a crucial role in this …

A verified algorithm for geometric zonotope/hyperplane intersection

F Immler - Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Certified …, 2015 -
… (AA), which works with zonotopes instead of intervals. Zonotopes are also widely used for
… , where an important operation is the geometric intersection of zonotopes with hyperplanes. …

Interpolation, box splines, and lattice points in zonotopes

M Lenz - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2014 -
Let X be a totally unimodular list of vectors in some lattice. Let B X be the box spline defined
by X. Its support is the zonotope Z(X). We show that any real-valued function defined on the …

Guaranteed state estimation and fault detection based on zonotopes for differential-algebraic-equation systems

Y Wang, V Puig, G Cembrano… - 2016 3rd Conference on …, 2016 -
This paper presents a set-membership approach based on zonotopes for differential-algebraic-equation
(DAE) systems with unknown-but-bounded disturbances and noise, which can …

Monotone paths on zonotopes and oriented matroids

CA Athanasiadis, F Santos - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2001 -
… can be chosen to be a zonotope with six generators. (iii) If P is … case in which P is a zonotope
(see Section 2 for definitions). … for monotone paths on zonotopes of fixed dimension as well …

Cubillages on cyclic zonotopes, membranes, and higher separatation

VI Danilov, AV Karzanov, GA Koshevoy - arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05517, 2018 -
We study certain structural properties of fine zonotopal tilings, or cubillages, on cyclic
zonotopes $Z(n,d)$ of an arbitrary dimension $d$ and their relations to $(d-1)$-separated …

Zonotopal subdivisions of cyclic zonotopes

CA Athanasiadis - Geometriae Dedicata, 2001 - Springer
… The cyclic zonotope n, d is the zonotope in Rd generated by any ndistinct vectors of the form
zonotope having an alternating oriented matroid, although we will use the cyclic zonotopes

[HTML][HTML] Fault Detection for Uncertain Incremental Quadratic Nonlinear System Based on Zonotopes

Y Zhao, Y Tang, F Zhu - Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022 - Springer
… is introduced by using the zonotope method. Based on the … In other words, the application
of the zonotope method on … infty \) observer and the zonotopes, the major contributions of …

[HTML][HTML] A Zonotope-based Fault Detection for Multirate Systems with Improved Dynamical Scheduling Protocols

Y Ju, H Liu, D Ding, Y Sun - Neurocomputing, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the distributed fault detection problem for a class of discrete-time
multi-rate systems over sensor networks with an improved communication protocol, where both …