On the Equivalence between Sequential and Parallel Set-Membership Zonotopic Observers
L Orihuela - Available at SSRN 4239354 - papers.ssrn.com
… the use of zonotopes for state estimation has become very common. Zonotopes, which are
… Perhaps, the main limitation of zonotopes, as pointed out in [13], is that they are not closed …
… Perhaps, the main limitation of zonotopes, as pointed out in [13], is that they are not closed …
On the decision boundaries of deep neural networks: A tropical geometry perspective
… (i) We derive a geometric representation (convex hull between two zonotopes) for a super
set to the decision boundaries of a DNN in the form (Affine, ReLU, Affine). (ii) We demonstrate …
set to the decision boundaries of a DNN in the form (Affine, ReLU, Affine). (ii) We demonstrate …
Set-membership State Estimation for a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
CE Valero, R Paulen - 2021 9th International Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… zonotope of the zonotope resulting from the above step. Any technique that calculates the
over-… zonotope is called a zonotope order reduction technique and the resulting zonotope must …
over-… zonotope is called a zonotope order reduction technique and the resulting zonotope must …
Set-membership state estimation of autonomous surface vehicles with a partially decoupled extended observer
L Orihuela, C Combastel… - 2022 European Control …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this work, the order of a zonotope X refers to the number p of its … a zonotope X is the
Frobenius norm of its generator matrix H (that is, ||H||F = √tr(HT H)). The covariation of a zonotope …
Frobenius norm of its generator matrix H (that is, ||H||F = √tr(HT H)). The covariation of a zonotope …
Enhancing Data-Driven Reachability Analysis using Temporal Logic Side Information
… , we compute a Lipschitz zonotope in line 5 to provide guarantees. Next, we perform the
reachability recursion in line 6 given the previously computed zonotopes. Note that the Lipschitz …
reachability recursion in line 6 given the previously computed zonotopes. Note that the Lipschitz …
A novel online active fault diagnosis method based on invariant sets
S Yang, F Xu, X Wang, B Liang - IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Therefore, we use zonotopes to estimate the output estimation sets and convert the zonotope
to … In this subsection, the method of converting a zonotope to its mathematically equivalent …
to … In this subsection, the method of converting a zonotope to its mathematically equivalent …
[PDF][PDF] Equivariant Ehrhart Theory
M Supina - 2022 - kth.se
… We can use the zonotope structure of the permutahedron to compute the volume and …
We can use the zonotope structure of the permutahedron to compute the volume and Ehrhart …
We can use the zonotope structure of the permutahedron to compute the volume and Ehrhart …
[HTML][HTML] Robust nonlinear model predictive control with bounded disturbances based on zonotopic constraint tightening
VM Cunha, TLM Santos - Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical …, 2022 - Springer
… with tighter constraints derived from a zonotope-based disturbance propagation. The
worst-case disturbance reachable sets are computed from zonotopes combined with the mean-…
worst-case disturbance reachable sets are computed from zonotopes combined with the mean-…
On the decision boundaries of neural networks: A tropical geometry perspective
… (i) We derive a geometric representation (convex hull between two zonotopes) for a super
set to the decision boundaries of a DNN in the form (Affine, ReLU, Affine). (ii) We demonstrate …
set to the decision boundaries of a DNN in the form (Affine, ReLU, Affine). (ii) We demonstrate …
Model-based thermal fault detection in Li-ion batteries using a set-based approach
… the advantages of constrained zonotopes over intervals in the detection of thermal faults
in Li-ion cells. As highlighted by the results, constrained zonotopes are able to provide a set-…
in Li-ion cells. As highlighted by the results, constrained zonotopes are able to provide a set-…