DIO-based robust fault estimation observer for discrete-time switched systems with unknown input*

Y Yang, Y Wu, D Du - 2020 35th Youth Academic Annual …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
zonotopes, e(t) is also bounded in a zonotope denoted by Ω = 〈0,H(k)〉, where H(k) ∈ R(nx+nf
)×r . According to (11), the generator matrix H(k) of the zonotope Ω … zonotopes, we have …

[HTML][HTML] Adaptive reachability algorithms for nonlinear systems using abstraction error analysis

M Wetzlinger, A Kulmburg, A Le Penven… - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid …, 2022 - Elsevier
… Furthermore, the simplification of the set representation is tackled by limiting the Hausdorff
distance between the original and reduced sets; we demonstrate this for zonotopes. Both …

Input Design for Active Dectection of Integrity Attacks using Set-based Approach

C Trapiello, V Puig - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
… Hereinafter zonotopes will be denoted as Z = 〈c, H〉. Besides, given matrix L ∈ Rl×n and
… entails the construction of highly dimensional zonotopes, as well as certain knowledge …

[HTML][HTML] Zonotopic unknown input state estimator for discrete-time linear systems

N Meslem, A Hably, T Raïssi - Systems & Control Letters, 2022 - Elsevier
… For the sake of simplicity, we have assumed that the center of zonotope Z w is a zero vector.
However, this method can be also applied for the case where the center of this zonotope is …

[PDF][PDF] Cubillages in odd dimensions

VI Danilov, AV Karzanov, GA Koshevoy - emis.de
… Using a machinery of cubillages in cyclic zonotopes of odd dimensions, we generalize, to
an arbitrary odd r ≥ 1, two well-known results on weakly separated collections obtained in [LZ?…

Utilizing dependencies to obtain subsets of reachable sets

N Kochdumper, B Schürmann, M Althoff - Proceedings of the 23rd …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
… To achieve this, we conservatively abstract the original dynamics by a polynomial right-hand
side and represent sets by polynomial zonotopes [1]. Since polynomial zonotopes preserve …

[PDF][PDF] The Equivariant Ehrhart Theory of the Permutahedron

M Supina - 2020 - math.berkeley.edu
… The permutahedron is a zonotope, ie a Minkowski sum of line segments: … Then Πσ n has
the following zonotope description: … What if Z is a rational translate of a lattice zonotope? …

A Greedy Approach to the Canny-Emiris Formula

C Checa, I Emiris - Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
… We measure this reduction for the case when the Newton polytopes are zonotopes
generated by 𝑛 line segments (where 𝑛 is the rank of the underlying lattice), and for the case of …

LazySets. jl: scalable symbolic-numeric set computations

M Forets, C Schilling - arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.01711, 2021 - arxiv.org
… CORA is an actively developed Matlab library centered around zonotopes and contains
implementations of zonotope bundles, matrix zonotopes, and polynomial zonotopes [1]. The ellip…

Zonotopic Kalman filtering based fault diagnosis algorithm for linear system with state constraints

Y Zhan, Z Wang, Y Wang, Z Ji - 2021 40th Chinese Control …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The prediction step uses the previous state zonotope, the zonotopes of disturbances …
zonotope; the update step combines the prediction zonotope with a strip and the state zonotope at …