Interval-Observer-Based Robust FE for Discrete-Time Switched Systems

D Du, S Xu, V Cocquempot - Observer-Based Fault Diagnosis and Fault …, 2021 - Springer
zonotopes in (4.2) and (4.3). Since e(0), \(\omega (t)\), and \(\upsilon (t)\) are bounded in
centered zonotopes, e(t) is also bounded in a zonotope … the corresponding zonotopes, we have …

Set-membership Switched Observers based on Interval Characterization of the Estimation Error

S Ifqir, V Puig, D Ichalal, N Ait-Oufroukh, S Mammar - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new set-membership estimation methodology for uncertain switched
LPV discrete-time systems subject to unknown inputs, unmeasurable time-varying …

Set‐based Fault Detection and Isolation

Y Wang, V Puig - Diagnosis and Fault‐tolerant Control 1: Data …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
… The chapter introduces some background material on sets and in particular on zonotopes.
It presents the fault detection and isolation procedures using set‐based approaches. The …

Toric mirror symmetry and GIT windows

J Huang - 2021 -
This thesis, partially based on the author's joint work [HZ20], studies mirror symmetry for toric
varieties from the perspective of geometric invariant theory. We translate GIT constructions …

Reachability Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks

X Yang, T Yamaguchi, HD Tran, B Hoxha… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 -
… One is an over-approximation based approach, such as Zonotope and Abstract domain, …
The approximation methods normally apply a geometric object such as Zonotope to …

Reachable sets for safe, real-time manipulator trajectory design

P Holmes, S Kousik, B Zhang, D Raz… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 -
zonotopes, a subclass of polytopes amenable to reachable set computation [24]. A zonotope
… We represent Ji with one zonotope per time interval, which is returned by Ji : NT → P(R2 ×K)…

[HTML][HTML] The weak separation in higher dimensions

VI Danilov, AV Karzanov, GA Koshevoy - Journal of Combinatorial Theory …, 2021 - Elsevier
… facts on fine zonotopal tilings, or cubillages, on a cyclic zonotope in a space R d . (The term
“… -to-one correspond to the cubillages Q in a cyclic zonotope Z ( n , d ) (generated by a cyclic …

Reachability analysis for linear discrete-time systems under stealthy cyber attacks

H Liu, B Niu, J Qin - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021 -
zonotopes are adopted to describe the UBB disturbances and noises in this article. In [15],
zonotope… 1) Different from the results proposed in [11] and [12], the zonotopesbased approach …

Periodic structure of translational multi-tilings in the plane

B Liu - American Journal of Mathematics, 2021 -
… This implies in dimension 2,3, a convex body P multi-tiles only if it is a zonotope. Therefore
in the rest of this paper we assume P ⊂ R2 is the zonotope generated by pairwise non-…

[HTML][HTML] Fundamental polytopes of metric trees via parallel connections of matroids

E Delucchi, L Hoessly - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2020 - Elsevier
We tackle the problem of a combinatorial classification of finite metric spaces via their
fundamental polytopes, as suggested by Vershik (2010). In this paper we consider a hyperplane …