Aggregation of demand-side flexibilities: a comparative study of approximation algorithms

E Öztürk, K Rheinberger, T Faulwasser, K Worthmann… - Energies, 2022 -
… Subsequently, the offsets u i are calculated by shifting the zonotope hyperplanes such that
zonotopes with respect to a given objective. The constraint that enforces a zonotope to be a …

Combinatorial Bernoulli factories: matchings, flows, and other polytopes

R Niazadeh, RP Leme, J Schneider - … of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT …, 2021 -
… The main technical tool behind our construction is a connection between these polynomials
and the geometry of zonotope tilings. We apply these results to construct an explicit factory …

[PDF][PDF] Build Your Own Reachability Analyzer with CORA

M ALTHOFF - Post-proceedings of the Summer School …, 2020 -
… A disadvantage of zonotopes is that they are not closed under intersection, ie, the intersection
of two zonotopes does not return a zonotope in general. In order to overcome this …

On robust interval observer design for uncertain systems subject to both time-invariant and time-varying uncertainties

M Pourasghar, V Puig… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This paper proposes the design of an interval observer-based approach for linear dynamic
systems affected by both time-invariant and time-varying uncertainties. First, different interval …

[PDF][PDF] ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics.

L Geretti, JAD Sandretto, M Althoff, L Benet… - ARCH …, 2021 -
zonotopes with a zonotope order of 20 and a time step size of 0.01 for µ = 1, and a zonotope
… Maximum zonotope order is set to 100, reachability analysis is carried out with an (absolute …

Fully-Automated Verification of Linear Systems Using Inner-and Outer-Approximations of Reachable Sets

M Wetzlinger, N Kochdumper, S Bak… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2022 -
zonotopes can be represented as a constrained zonotope. The multiplication r Z of an interval
matrix r with a zonotope Z … of a zonotope can be decreased with zonotope order reduction. …

Sweeps, polytopes, oriented matroids, and allowable graphs of permutations

A Padrol, E Philippe - arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06134, 2021 -
… Mimicking the fact that sweep polytopes of point configurations (the monotone path polytopes
of the associated zonotopes) are projections of permutahedra, we define sweep oriented …

Voronoi conjecture for special free parallelotopes

V Grishukhin - Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 2021 -
… is a zonotope, which is … zonotopes and 35 Minkowski sums of a zonotope with the
Dirichlet–Voronoi cell PV (D4) of the root lattice D4. There are 16 sums Z + PV (D4) and 3 zonotopes

[HTML][HTML] Polynomial-reproducing spline spaces from fine zonotopal tilings

H Barucq, H Calandra, J Diaz, S Frambati - Journal of Computational and …, 2022 - Elsevier
… The Minkowski sum of a set of segments is a special convex polytope known as a zonotope.
There is a natural zonotope Z ( V ) ⊂ R d + 1 associated to each point configuration V , …

[HTML][HTML] Generalized bijective maps between G-parking functions, spanning trees, and the Tutte polynomial

C Frizzell - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022 - Elsevier
We introduce an object called a tree growing sequence (TGS) in an effort to generalize
bijective correspondences between G -parking functions, spanning trees, and the set of …