[PDF][PDF] GAˇCR 18-15970S

E Lainová, LK Pavelková, L Jirsa - library.utia.cas.cz
… A zonotope ZZ is a special case of convex polytope which can be expressed as … A
parallelotope ZP is a special case of zonotope (3), where k = lz ie a, b are vectors of length lz, V is an …

Aggregation of voting designs

V Danilov, A Karzanov, G Koshevoy - Ekonomika i matematicheskie …, 2020 - ras.jes.su
A Condorcet domain (a domain of linear orders where the majority rule does not violate the
transitivity) can be considered as a ground (or design) of organizing a voting procedure. In …

Interval estimation based on the reduced-order observer and peak-to-peak analysis

Z Wang, H Yin, TN Dinh, T Raïssi - International Journal of Control, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
… Among these methods, zonotope-based interval estimation is most widely studied due to
its … At the second step, interval estimation is achieved using zonotope-based reachable set …

[PDF][PDF] ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants.

TT Johnson, DM Lopez, L Benet… - ARCH …, 2021 - easychair-www.easychair.org
… For the neural-network analysis we use an abstract interpretation based on zonotopes [36].
Due to careful conversions, JuliaReach can preserve high precision even after many control …

[HTML][HTML] Tailoring a pair of pants

H Ruddat, I Zharkov - Advances in Mathematics, 2021 - Elsevier
We show how to deform the map Log : ( C ⁎ ) n → R n such that the image of the complex
pair of pants P ∘ ⊂ ( C ⁎ ) n is the tropical hyperplane by showing an (ambient) isotopy …

Security Synthesis for Cyber–Physical Systems

J Li, Z Wang, Y Shen, L Xie - IEEE Transactions on Systems …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… : 1) ellipsoid; 2) polytope; and 3) zonotope [29]. Wang et al. [23] proposed a dynamic …
zonotope 즈 is (m/n). For the sake of concise notation, the center and generators of a zonotope

Shard polytopes and quotientopes for lattice congruences of the weak order

J Ritter - 2021 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
… We describe the canonical zonotope of the type B arrangement, known as the B-permutahedron.
Each signed permutation on [n] can equivalently be described as a centrally symmetric …

[PDF][PDF] Vector-valued Maclaurin inequalities

S Brazitikos, F McIntyre - arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05900, 2021 - arxiv.org
… Suppose instead we consider the zonotope Z “ m ř … as the sharp version of (25) when we
restrict ourselves to zonotopes. Using an analogous derivation to the one given at the beginning …

Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Safety Mechanisms

Á Carrizosa Rendón - 2022 - upcommons.upc.edu
… under-approximating the kernels by zonotopes as proposed at [21]. Zonotopes are a type of
set … , a zonotope can be used to approximate the tube as the viability kernels computed at [7]. …

[HTML][HTML] Layer Superposition of the Root Lattice

VP Grishukhin - Mathematical Notes, 2021 - Springer
… The zonotope being the Minkowski sum of these \(n+1\) segments is the same DV cell \(P(A_n)\).
The Zelling frame itself is inscribed in the DV cell \(P(A_n)\) so that the endpoints of it …