Model checking RNNs with modal μ-calculus
T Aoshima, T Usui - IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep., 2020 -
… strained zonotopes. The specification is written in the modal μ-calculus containing many
classical temporal logics such as Linear Temporal Logic and Computation Tree Logic. …
classical temporal logics such as Linear Temporal Logic and Computation Tree Logic. …
[HTML][HTML] Verification of Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
DH Tran - 2020 -
… of a zonotope and a half-space generally is not a zonotope. One advantage of a zonotope
compared with a star set is that we can compute quickly the ranges of a state in a zonotope …
compared with a star set is that we can compute quickly the ranges of a state in a zonotope …
Guaranteed Verification of Dynamic Systems
S Schwab - 2022 -
This work introduces a new specification and verification approach for dynamic systems. The
introduced approach is able to provide type II error free results by definition, ie there are no …
introduced approach is able to provide type II error free results by definition, ie there are no …
[BOOK][B] An Interval Approach for Stability Analysis
E Codres - 2020 -
The stability problem plays an important role not only in industry but also in our everyday life.
Unstable systems are dangerous and can cause financial losses or can lead to injuries and …
Unstable systems are dangerous and can cause financial losses or can lead to injuries and …
Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation with Independent and Dependent Geometric Uncertainties
R Gitik, L Joskowicz - International Journal of Computational …, 2021 - World Scientific
We address the problems of constructing the Voronoi diagram (VD) and Delaunay triangulation
(DT) of points in the plane with mutually dependent location uncertainties, testing their …
(DT) of points in the plane with mutually dependent location uncertainties, testing their …
[PDF][PDF] Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Applied Sciences
B Legat - 2020 -
… Several templates are studied in this thesis including the classical templates polyhedra,
zonotopes and ellipsoids but also more elaborate ones that provide a richer family of sets but …
zonotopes and ellipsoids but also more elaborate ones that provide a richer family of sets but …
[HTML][HTML] The kernel of chromatic quasisymmetric functions on graphs and hypergraphic polytopes
R Penaguiao - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2020 - Elsevier
… Generalized permutahedra form a family of polytopes that include permutahedra,
associahedra and graph zonotopes. This family has been studied, for instance, in [24], and we …
associahedra and graph zonotopes. This family has been studied, for instance, in [24], and we …
Acyclic reorientation lattices and their lattice quotients
V Pilaud - arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12387, 2021 -
… zonotope … zonotope are dual to each other, and that their codimension is the number of
connected components of D. For instance, the graphical arrangements and graphical zonotopes …
connected components of D. For instance, the graphical arrangements and graphical zonotopes …
Approximation of the Feasible Parameter Set in Bounded-Error Parameter Estimation of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models for Large Problems by Using a Ray Shooting …
… Besides parallelotopes or zonotopes, ellipsoids are commonly used as a compromise
between a compact description and flexibility [6], [13]. However, this leads to a strong …
between a compact description and flexibility [6], [13]. However, this leads to a strong …
Robustness certification with generative models
… A thorough evaluation that shows the practical usability and hardness of the problem ś
we adapted a number of existing verifiers (Zonotope [14], DeepZono [39], ExactLine [42]) but …
we adapted a number of existing verifiers (Zonotope [14], DeepZono [39], ExactLine [42]) but …