[HTML][HTML] Wrench-feasible workspace-based design of hybrid thruster and cable driven parallel robots

Y Sun, YX Guo, C Song, D Lau - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022 - Elsevier
… (15) corresponds to the definition of a Zonotope. Thus, by the definition of zonotope, the
AWS for the TCDPR system generated by both cables and thrusters can be determined by (16) …

[PDF][PDF] Scalable Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets of Nonlinear Systems

L Schäfer, F Gruber, M Althoff - submitted to IEEE Transactions …, 2022 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
… introduce zonotopes and polytopes as efficient set representations and conditions for zonotope
… Afterwards, we introduce zonotopes and polytopes as efficient set representations and …

Robust state estimation for switched systems: application to fault detection

C Zammali - 2020 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
zonotopeszonotopes. Thus, a zonotopic method is presented to evaluate the residual. The
FD accuracy of the zonotopic techniques can be improved using high dimensional zonotopes

Adaptive learning and robust model predictive control for uncertain dynamic systems

K Zhang - 2021 - dspace.library.uvic.ca
… a specific form of the system, [153] uses the data-driven model for the set-valued description
of the dynamic model, where the set propagation is computed based on the matrix zonotope

Stability of Linear Set-Membership Filters

Y Cong, X Wang, X Zhou - arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13966, 2022 - arxiv.org
… This is largely because constrained zonotopes are closed under … properties of the constrained
zonotopes at each single time step (ie… zonotope [17] in Definition 7 with a small extension. …

Predictive runtime monitoring of vehicle models using Bayesian estimation and reachability analysis

Y Chou, H Yoon… - 2020 IEEE/RSJ …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Instead, other representations of states ranging from ellipsoids [33], zonotopes [34] and “higher
order” interval … The resulting reachable set estimates are represented as a zonotope [34]. …

[PDF][PDF] Safe Flight Envelope of Closed-loop Quadcopters

G Delansnay, HG Harno, Y Kim… - Benelux Workshop on …, 2020 - research.rug.nl
… This study proposes an original procedure to compute the SFE by a forwardbackward
reachability analysis (see figure 1) based on zonotopes [2], and applied to a Parrot Mambo …

Reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems via block decomposition

S Bogomolov, M Forets, G Frehse… - … on Computer-Aided …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… efficient set representations (like zonotopes, support function, or … where reachable states are
either zonotopes, in which case they … [29] approximated zonotopes by parallelotopes before …

[BOOK][B] Gamut and Color Control for Multiprimary Displays: Theory and Applications

CER Pardo - 2021 - search.proquest.com
… to be a zonotope, we develop a complete, cohesive, and directly usable mathematical
characterization of the geometry of the multiprimary gamut zonotope that immediately identifies …

How many bits does it take to quantize your neural network?

M Giacobbe, TA Henzinger, M Lechner - … on Tools and Algorithms for the …, 2020 - Springer
… category include methods that relax the neural networks into computations over interval
arithmetic [20], treat them as hybrid automata [27], or abstract them directly by using zonotopes, …