Inscribable Fans II: Inscribed zonotopes, simplicial arrangements, and reflection groups

S Manecke, R Sanyal - arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11062, 2022 -
Zonotopes are distinguished among belt polytopes by many favorable geometric and
combinatorial properties. We show that inscribed zonotopes also stand out among inscribed …

[HTML][HTML] Zonotopes whose cellular strings are all coherent

R Edman, P Jiradilok, G Liu, T McConville - European Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
… 1.1 where P is a zonotope and Q is 1-dimensional. A zonotope with n zones is the image
of an n -dimensional cube under a linear map. To any zonotope with a distinguished linear …

Zonotope-based interval estimation for 2-D FMLSS systems using an event-triggered mechanism

L Yang, Z Fei, Z Wang, CK Ahn - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
This study considers the problem of interval estimation for event-triggered two-dimensional (2-D)
systems as expressed by the Fornasini-Marchesini local state-space (FMLSS) model. In …

Zonotope-based nonlinear model order reduction for fast performance bound analysis of analog circuits with multiple-interval-valued parameter variations

Y Song, MPD Sai, H Yu - 2014 Design, Automation & Test in …, 2014 -
zonotope-based model for multiple-interval-valued parameter variations. As such, one can
have a zonotope-… to approximate a number of zonotopes along the set of trajectories, one can …

Verification of piecewise deep neural networks: a star set approach with zonotope pre-filter

HD Tran, N Pal, DM Lopez, P Musau, X Yang… - Formal Aspects of …, 2021 - Springer
… is equipped with an outer-zonotope (a zonotope over-approximation of … This zonotope
pre-filtering step reduces significantly the … other recent zonotope and abstract domain approaches. …

Lattice zonotopes of degree 2

M Beck, E Janssen, K Jochemko - arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13036, 2022 -
zonotope is the Minkowski (pointwise) sum of line segments. We classify all Ehrhart polynomials
of lattice zonotopes … a characterization of all $3$-dimensional zonotopes of degree $2$. …

Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin systems via zonotopes

M Mauri, L Migliorini, R Pagaria - arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.00621, 2022 -
We establish a relation between lattice point count in graphical zonotopes, and the summands
of the decomposition theorem for the Hitchin system for $\mathrm{GL}_n$, in arbitrary …

Zonotope and Gaussian Kalman filters based state estimation algorithm for linear system with dual noise term

Y Zhan, Z Wang, Y Wang, JH Park… - IET Control Theory & …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
To solve the problem of state estimation for systems with dual noise terms, a zonotope and
Gaussian Kalman filters based state estimation algorithm is proposed. A state estimator is …

Once more about Voronoi's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes

M Deza, V Grishukhin - arXiv preprint math/0203124, 2002 -
… A zonotope P(Z) is the Minkowski sum of a set Z ⊂ Rn of n-vectors. Every zonotope and all
its … We see that any face of a zonotope P(Z) and P(Z) itself are centrally symmetric. The center …

Robust fault detection and tolerance evaluation using zonotopes

PLG Brito - 2009 -
zonotopes, which include as a special case parallelotopes. This thesis will show that the
zonotope … As an extension of the use of set representation with zonotopes, this thesis presents a …