[HTML][HTML] Zonotopes and Kalman observers: Gain optimality under distinct uncertainty paradigms and robust convergence

C Combastel - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
… based on zonotopes is the subject of this paper. Dealing with zonotopes is motivated by set
… Based on a new zonotope size criterion called F W -radius, and by merging optimal and …

[BOOK][B] Zonotopes: From guaranteed state-estimation to control

VTH Le, C Stoica, T Alamo, EF Camacho, D Dumur - 2013 - books.google.com
zonotope leading to compute a reduced order zonotopezonotope. PROPOSITION 1.1.–
COMPLEXITY REDUCTIONOF … bound a highorder zonotope by a loworder zonotope using the …

Methods for order reduction of zonotopes

AK Kopetzki, B Schürmann… - 2017 IEEE 56th Annual …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The complexity of algorithms that work on zonotopes strongly depends on their order (ie …
, zonotopes of high orders are often over-approximated as tight as possible by zonotopes of …

[HTML][HTML] Set operations and order reductions for constrained zonotopes

V Raghuraman, JP Koeln - Automatica, 2022 - Elsevier
… for using zonotopes and constrained zonotopes to improve … the use of constrained zonotopes
to represent sets resulting … inner-approximations of zonotopes and constrained zonotopes. …

[HTML][HTML] Input design for guaranteed fault diagnosis using zonotopes

JK Scott, R Findeisen, RD Braatz, DM Raimondo - Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
Zonotopes and set operations The methods in this article involve computations with zonotopes,
which … In generator representation, a zonotope Z is prescribed by its center c ∈ R n and …

[HTML][HTML] Guaranteed methods based on constrained zonotopes for set-valued state estimation of nonlinear discrete-time systems

BS Rego, GV Raffo, JK Scott, DM Raimondo - Automatica, 2020 - Elsevier
zonotopes. On the other hand, reduction becomes more complex than for zonotopes, …
either zonotopes or constrained zonotopes in the context of nonlinear set-valued estimation. …

Constrained polynomial zonotopes

N Kochdumper, M Althoff - arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.08849, 2020 - arxiv.org
zonotopes additionally consider linear equality constraints for the zonotope factors, whereas
zonotope bundles represent the set implicitly by the intersection of several zonotopes. A …

ℎ*-polynomials of zonotopes

M Beck, K Jochemko, E McCullough - Transactions of the American …, 2019 - ams.org
zonotope in terms of refined descent statistics of permutations and prove that the h∗-polynomial
of every lattice zonotope … for the h∗-polynomial of a zonotope in matroidal terms which is …

Sparse polynomial zonotopes: A novel set representation for reachability analysis

N Kochdumper, M Althoff - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Zonotope bundles, as well as constrained zonotopes, are both able to … to zonotopes are
complex zonotopes [26] and zonotopes with subpolyhedric domains [27]. Complex zonotopes

The excluded volume of hard sphero-zonotopes

BM Mulder* - Molecular Physics, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
… Next, in section 3 we introduce zonotopes and discuss their geometrical features. The …
arbitrary sphero-zonotopes. We define a sphero-zonotope SZ as a parallel body of a zonotope, ie …