The Hilbert zonotope and a polynomial time algorithm for universal Gröbner bases

E Babson, S Onn, R Thomas - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2003 - Elsevier
We provide a polynomial time algorithm for computing the universal Gröbner basis of any
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …

Voronoĭ's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes

M Deza, V Grishukhin - Mathematika, 2004 -
Voronoĭ conjectured that every parallelotope is affinely equivalent to a Voronoĭ polytope.
For some m, a parallelotope is defined by a set of m facet vectors pi, and defines a set of m …

A note on space tiling zonotopes

F Vallentin - arXiv preprint math/0402053, 2004 -
… for a zonotope to be a space tiling zonotope, ie a zonotope which admits a face-to-face tiling
of space by translations. Implicitly, he related space tiling zonotopes to … for zonotopes using …

On quasivector spaces of convex bodies and zonotopes

S Markov - Numerical Algorithms, 2004 - Springer
… In this work the theory of quasivector spaces has been briefly outlined and applied for
computation with zonotopes. An approximation problem for … In the present work this has …

Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories

A Kato - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007 -
… Since the volume of each cube Qi1,...,id is simply given by vol(Qi1,...,id ) = |det(xi1 ,...,xid )|,
this leads to the following volume formula for zonotopes, which will play a crucial role in this …

Inequalities for zonotopes

R Ehrenborg - Mathematical Sciences Research Institute …, 2005 -
… We present two classes of linear inequalities that the flag fvectors of zonotopes satisfy.
These inequalities strengthen inequalities for polytopes obtained by the lifting technique of …

Robust MPC of constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems based on zonotopes

JM Bravo, T Alamo, D Limón… - 2003 European Control …, 2003 -
… In this work, the uncertain evolution sets are approximated by zonotopes [7] that provide
better … To obtain better approaches in this paper it is proposed to use zonotopes [7]. …

On the approximation of centered zonotopes in the plane

S Markov, D Claudio - International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific …, 2003 - Springer
… The present work is devoted to computation with zonotopes in the plane. Using ideas from
the theory of quasivector spaces we formulate an approximation problem for zonotopes and …

Robust fault detection with unknown input set-membership state estimators and interval models using zonotopes

P Guerra, V Puig, A Ingimundarson… - … Detection, Supervision and …, 2007 - Elsevier
zonotope based fault detection algorithm described in this paper is applied, being iniatilised
to the initial zonotope: … zonotope inclusion method described in Section 4.2. In this case, the …

Actuator fault-tolerance evaluation of linear constrained model predictive control using zonotope-based set computations

C Ocampo-Martinez, P Guerra… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 -
This paper presents a computational procedure to evaluate the fault tolerance of a linear-constrained
model predictive control (LCMPC) scheme for a given actuator fault configuration (…