A scatter matrix estimate based on the zonotope

GA Koshevoy, J Möttönen, H Oja - Annals of statistics, 2003 - JSTOR
We introduce a new scatter matrix functional which is a multivariate affine equivariant
extension of the mean deviation E(∣x-Med(x)∣). The estimate is constructed using the data …

Improvement on set membership identification by zonotopes

W Chai, X Sun - Sixth International Symposium on …, 2006 - spiedigitallibrary.org
… taken into account by means of the zonotope in a direct and nonconservative … zonotope
and a strip is flawed. In this paper, an improved method describing the intersection of a zonotope

On the Quasivector Space of Zonotopes in the Plane

S Markov - PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
… In this work we discuss the inclusion relation between centred zonogons (centred
zonotopes in the plane). Our purpose is to use the implicit presentation of zonotopes as …

Bounded error identification of systems with time-varying parameters

JM Bravo, T Alamo, EF Camacho - IEEE Transactions on …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… in the context of time-varying parameters is that the Minkowski sum of a zonotope and a
box is a zonotope. That is, if the intersection FSSk\Fd is approximated by means of a …

[PDF][PDF] Passive robust fault detection: Inverse vs direct image tests using zonotopes

P Guerra, V Puig, A Ingimundarson - 18th International Workshop on …, 2007 - academia.edu
Zonotopes and related operations Zonotopes In this section, zonotopes and related
operations will be presented as a tool to implement Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. Definition 3. The …

Inequalities for zonotopes

L Zhao, G Leng - Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition), 2005 - Springer
The lower bound for the volume of the zonotope for John-basis had been given by Ball. In
this paper, a simple proof of Ball’s inequality was first provided, then the result of Ball was …

Robust fault detection based on zonotope-based set-membership parameter consistency test

P Guerra, JM Bravo, A Ingimundarson, V Puig… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2006 - Elsevier
The paper proposes a robust fault detection method that takes advantage of a set-membership
identification procedure based on zonotopes for systems linear in the parameters with …

[PDF][PDF] Uncertainty envelopes.

Y Ostrovsky-Berman, L Joskowicz - EuroCG, 2005 - pure.tue.nl
… In Section 3, we describe an arrangement of surfaces which encodes the topology of the
zonotope over all convex combinations of the sites. In Section 4 we use the arrangement to …

Efficient computation of reachable sets of linear time-invariant systems with inputs

A Girard, CL Guernic, O Maler - International workshop on hybrid systems …, 2006 - Springer
… A planar zonotope with three generators is depicted in Figure 1. Zonotopes admit a very
compact representations relative to their number of vertices or faces. A generic zonotope of …

[PDF][PDF] Zonotope techniques for reachability analysis

A Girard - Workshop Topics in Computation and Control, 2006 - lsv.fr
… Detection of the intersection of a zonotope with a guard. 2. Computation of this intersection
- The intersection of zonotope with a band is not a zonotope. - Over-approximation algorithms…