A state bounding algorithm for linear systems with bounded input and bounded slew-rate
A Lalami, C Combastel - 2007 European Control Conference …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… ALGORITHM BASED O1 ZO1OTOPES The aim of this section is to recall some definitions
and some properties of zonotopes and to recall a rather efficient and simple algorithm to …
and some properties of zonotopes and to recall a rather efficient and simple algorithm to …
Affine arithmetic: concepts and applications
LH De Figueiredo, J Stolfi - Numerical Algorithms, 2004 - Springer
… In general, the joint range of m affine forms is a zonotope in Rm, that is, a centrally … t ∈ T
with AA, we obtain as explained above a zonotope Z that contains P. To get a simpler enclosure …
with AA, we obtain as explained above a zonotope Z that contains P. To get a simpler enclosure …
Once more about the 52 four-dimensional parallelotopes
M Deza, V Grishukhin - arXiv preprint math/0307171, 2003 - arxiv.org
… In this work we give a new enumeration showing that any four-dimensional parallelotope
is either a zonotope or the Minkowski sum of a zonotope with the regular 24-cell {3,4,3}. Each …
is either a zonotope or the Minkowski sum of a zonotope with the regular 24-cell {3,4,3}. Each …
Safety assessment of autonomous cars using verification techniques
M Althoff, O Stursberg, M Buss - 2007 American Control …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… effort can be drastically reduced by setting the zonotope order to one which results in 2n
vertices… of the Zonotope Z that span the reduced zonotope in a best way. The reduced zonotope …
vertices… of the Zonotope Z that span the reduced zonotope in a best way. The reduced zonotope …
[PDF][PDF] A conjecture about Minkowski additions of convex polytopes
K Fukuda, C Weibel - 2006 - infoscience.epfl.ch
… 2.1 Proof for zonotopes sums Zonotopes f-vectors are completely known. Since the sum
of two zonotopes is again a zonotope, it is possible to prove the following: …
of two zonotopes is again a zonotope, it is possible to prove the following: …
Target-Set Control
RK Pearson, BA Ogunnaike - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2004 - Elsevier
… zonotopes is a positive zonotope, and that any positive affine projection of a positive zonotope
is another positive zonotope. As a … disturbance inputs characterized by positive zonotopes …
is another positive zonotope. As a … disturbance inputs characterized by positive zonotopes …
Ellipsoidal toolbox (ET)
AA Kurzhanskiy, P Varaiya - … of the 45th IEEE Conference on …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Using zonotopes for external approximation of reach sets [19], [20] brings the benefit of a …
zonotope must first be converted to a polytope on which the required operations are performed. …
zonotope must first be converted to a polytope on which the required operations are performed. …
On the geometry of multivariate L 1 objective functions
GA Koshevoy, J Möttönen - Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv, 2004 - Springer
… of facets of the data based zonotopes and lift zonotopes. Moreover, interchanging the roles
of … To define the concepts of the zonotope and lift zonotope, we need the following notations. …
of … To define the concepts of the zonotope and lift zonotope, we need the following notations. …
[PDF][PDF] Universal Gröbner bases for designs of experiments
H Maruri-Aguilar - 2005 - core.ac.uk
… Hilbert zonotope, and describe its role in our problem. In Section 5 we give a new theorem
which simplifies the current use of the zonotope … the use of the zonotope to compute universal …
which simplifies the current use of the zonotope … the use of the zonotope to compute universal …
R de Sant Nebridi - researchgate.net
… In this paper, a zonotope-based method to evaluate the admissibility of fault actuator … these
two zonotopes is used. The smallest centered interval vector containing the given zonotope X …
two zonotopes is used. The smallest centered interval vector containing the given zonotope X …