New bounds on the unconstrained quadratic integer programming problem

GD Halikias, IM Jaimoukha, U Malik… - Journal of Global …, 2007 - Springer
… Section 4 establishes a link between these reduced rank QIP problems and the problem
of enumerating the vertices of a zonotope. Section 5 incorporates the semidefinite relaxation …

A Note on Comparison of Error Correction Codes

DV Djonin - arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.3817, 2007 -
… In Figure 1, we show zonotopes for Z1(E) and Z2(E) for the use of this code in BSC with
probabilities of error p1 = 0.1 and p2 = 0.2, for the first information bit. It is obvious that the Z1(E) …

[PDF][PDF] Estimation of bounded model uncertainties

O Adrot, JM Flaus, J Ragot - Journal of Robotics and …, 2006 -
We identify parameters of a given input-output model so that estimated model output is consistent
with the measured output of the system modeled. Parameter estimation based on a set-…

Trajectory computation of dynamic uncertain systems

O Adrot, JM Flaus - … Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE …, 2003 -
… This procedure generates the strip constraints S,, which describe the relationships between
all model relations and define the Cartesian equations of the frontiers of the zonotope. …

Observers for interval systems using set and trajectory-based approaches

V Puig, A Stancu, J Quevedo - … of the 44th IEEE Conference on …, 2005 -
… the zonotopes. It can be chosen freely and is a performance parameter for the Kuhn's algorithm.
Given the zonotope … the set of estimated states X(k)is enclosed by the following zonotope

Banach spaces which are far from all lattices

Y Gordon - Positivity, 2003 - Springer
We consider n-dimensional real Banach spaces X which are far, in the Banach–Mazur distance,
from all complemented subspaces of all Banach lattices. We show that this is related to …

Reachability analysis of large-scale affine systems using low-dimensional polytopes

Z Han, BH Krogh - … Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and …, 2006 - Springer
… work to zonotopezonotope computations to compute the reach sets. Thus, over-approximations
of Reach(Su, X0,t) can be efficiently computed by combining our method with zonotope

[PDF][PDF] Two-and Three-dimensional Tilings Based on a Model of the Six-dimensional Cube

L Vörös - KoG, 2006 -
A central-symmetric three-dimensional model of the sixdimensional cube can give us the
idea of filling the space with mosaics of zonotopes. This model yields also plane tilings by its …

Characterization of bounded uncertainties

O Adrot, J Ragot, JM Flaus - Complex Systems Intelligence …, 2004 -
… Every equation error is bounded while parameters fluctuate inside a time-invariant domain
represented by a zonotope. The proposed method helps to find the characteristics of this …

Faces of generalized permutohedra

A Postnikov, V Reiner, L Williams - arXiv preprint math/0609184, 2006 -
zonotopes, and the simple zonotopes among them correspond to a very restrictive class of
graphs that are easily dealt with. A zonotope … define the associated graphic zonotope ZG to be …