Parallelotopes of non-zero width
VP Grishukhin - Sbornik: Mathematics, 2004 -
… i=1 S(zi) is a polytope called a zonotope. Every zonotope is centrally symmetric and all its …
has width zero in the directions of all z ∈ Z and P(Z) is a parallelotope that is also a zonotope. …
has width zero in the directions of all z ∈ Z and P(Z) is a parallelotope that is also a zonotope. …
[HTML][HTML] Bounded error moving horizon state estimator for non-linear continuous-time systems: application to a bioprocess system
This paper investigates moving horizon state estimation (MHSE) within a bounded-error
context for continuous-time systems. Verified integration of the non-linear ordinary differential …
context for continuous-time systems. Verified integration of the non-linear ordinary differential …
[PDF][PDF] Ariadne: a framework for reachability analysis of hybrid automata
ABACP Collins, AFT Villa, AL Sangiovanni-Vincentelli -
In this paper we introduce the problem of reachability analysis of hybrid automata to decide
safety properties. Then we describe ARIADNE, an in-progress open environment to design …
safety properties. Then we describe ARIADNE, an in-progress open environment to design …
[PDF][PDF] The monotony properties of generalized projection bodies, intersection bodies and centroid bodies
WY Yu, DH Wu - Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2006 -
… Then Z is a zonotope with the support function … for any zonotope Z. Since any projection
body is the limit (with respect to the Hausdorff metric) of zonotopes, by (4.1), this implies for any …
body is the limit (with respect to the Hausdorff metric) of zonotopes, by (4.1), this implies for any …
Combinatorial Representations of Arrangements of Pseudolines
S Felsner - Geometric Graphs and Arrangements, 2004 - Springer
… To prove that every pair is exchanged exactly once we use the observation that a sub-zonotope
Z(W) with We V also has the vectors in increasing order on its left border and in …
Z(W) with We V also has the vectors in increasing order on its left border and in …
Autonomie du mouvement en environnements dynamiques: Une approche élastique
V Delsart - 2007 -
… Les expressions des forces internes et externes ainsi que le calcul des ensembles d’atteignabilité
et leur approximation par zonotopes y sont redéfinis. La quatri`eme partie (5) présente …
et leur approximation par zonotopes y sont redéfinis. La quatri`eme partie (5) présente …
[PDF][PDF] Reguläre Körper und mehrdimensionale Würfel
L Vörös - KoG, 2005 -
… Zusammenfassend können wir den folgenden Satz formulieren, der mit dem Begriff des
Zonotopes (des ndimensionalen Zonoeders) verbunden ist, also mit der Minkowski-Summe von …
Zonotopes (des ndimensionalen Zonoeders) verbunden ist, also mit der Minkowski-Summe von …
Alexander duality in subdivisions of Lawrence polytopes
F Santos, B Sturmfels - 2003 -
… tiling ZðM, f Þ of the zonotope ZðDÞ ¼ Pn … zonotope ZðDÞ. The Cayley Trick [7] states that
the zonotopal tiling ZðM, f Þ is the intersection of the subdivision SðM, f Þ with that zonotope. …
the zonotopal tiling ZðM, f Þ is the intersection of the subdivision SðM, f Þ with that zonotope. …
Reduced decompositions and permutation patterns
BE Tenner - Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2006 - Springer
… Rhombi are a special case of a more general class of objects known as zonotopes. … A
polytope is a d-zonotope if it is the projection of a regular n-cube onto a d-dimensional subspace. …
polytope is a d-zonotope if it is the projection of a regular n-cube onto a d-dimensional subspace. …
Multiple-symbol differential detection based on combinatorial geometry
… zonotope and the maximum of ||V x|| lies at some corner (or extreme point) of the zonotope
Z… –to–one to one extreme point of the zonotope. The number of cells is upper bounded by [13] …
Z… –to–one to one extreme point of the zonotope. The number of cells is upper bounded by [13] …