Constructions of cubical polytopes

A Schwartz - 2004 -
… 7.3] for a detailed discussion of zonotopes. In Figure 2.10 we depict several cubical
zonotopes. A cubical zonotope corresponds to a hyperplane arrangement in general position. …

Matroid inequalities from electrical network theory

DG Wagner - the electronic journal of combinatorics, 2004 -
In 1981, Stanley applied the Aleksandrov–Fenchel Inequalities to prove a logarithmic
concavity theorem for regular matroids. Using ideas from electrical network theory we prove a …

[PS][PS] The minimum area of convex lattice n-gons

N Tokushige, I Barany - Combinatorica, 2004 -
Let A (n) be the minimum area of convex lattice n-gons. We prove that limA (n)= n3 exists.
Our computations suggest that the value of the limit is very close to 0: 0185067:::. …

Shelling hexahedral complexes for mesh generation

M Müller–Hannemann - Graph Algorithms And Applications 2, 2004 - World Scientific
… that zonotopes where all surface facets are quadrilaterals always have decompositions into
hexahedra [33]. Moreover, such zonotopes … elimination scheme (the "zones" of a zonotope

Relative position computation for assembly planning with planar toleranced parts

Y Ostrovsky-Berman… - The International Journal …, 2006 -
… The contact zonotope and its contribution of arcs to the strong NDBG. The zonotope is
centrally projected from the motion space origin to find the vertices which contribute to the strong …

Convex and star-shaped sets associated with stable distributions

I Molchanov - arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.0221, 2007 -
… Recall that zonoids appear as Hausdorff limits of zonotopes, ie finite Minkowski sums of
segments. In application to stable laws with characteristic exponent p = 1, we have that ϕ(u) = e−…

Integral geometric tools for stochastic geometry

A Baddeley, I Bárány, R Schneider - … Geometry: Lectures given at the CIME …, 2007 - Springer
… Such a body Z is called a zonotope, and a convex body which can be approximated by
zonotopes is called a zonoid. Since the function ψ is continuous, it follows …

[PDF][PDF] An introduction to Garside structures

J McCammond, J Rhodes - preprint, 2005 -
… Remark 3.15 (W-permutahedra as zonotopes). For the readers familar with both roots …
From this point of view it is clear that these polytopes are zonotopes, since a zonotope can be …

Tile invariants: New horizons

I Pak - Theoretical computer science, 2003 - Elsevier
… Such polytopes are called zonotopes. Call basis blocks zonotopes PB such that B ⊂ M, 〈B…
extension are connected by “local moves” (in zonotopes generated by d + 1 vectors). While 1-…

[PDF][PDF] Two-and three-dimensional tiling on the base of higher-dimensional cube mosaics

L Vörös - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on …, 2007 -
Lifting the vertices of ak sided regular polygon from it is plane, perpendicularly by the same
height, and joining with the centre of the polygon, we get the k edges of the hypercube …