Minkowski sums of polytopes

C Weibel - 2007 - infoscience.epfl.ch
… We can deduce from this that all faces of a zonotope are zonotopes themselves. If the line
segments generating a d-dimensional zonotope are in general position, then its faces are (d − …

[HTML][HTML] A stochastic order for random vectors and random sets based on the Aumann expectation

IC Fernández, I Molchanov - Statistics & probability letters, 2003 - Elsevier
We define a new stochastic order for random vectors in terms of the inclusion relation for the
Aumann expectation of certain random sets. We derive some properties of this order, relate …

Regular Bodies and Hypercubes

L Vörös - KoG, 2005 - hrcak.srce.hr
… Zusammenfassend können wir den folgenden Satz formulieren, der mit dem Begriff des
Zonotopes (des ndimensionalen Zonoeders) verbunden ist, also mit der Minkowski-Summe von …

[PDF][PDF] Aspects of Algebraic Statistics

NR Hansen - 2006 - math.ku.dk
… First, a precise formula for the number of vertices in a so-called zonotope is given. A zonotope
is by definition the Minkowski sum of a number of line segments. Thus if vi,wi ∈ Rd, i = 1,...,…

Crofton measures in projective Finsler spaces

R Schneider - Integral geometry and convexity, 2006 - World Scientific
… symmetric; they are called zonotopes, since their facets are arranged in zones. A convex
body which can be approximated, in the Hausdorff metric, by zonotopes, is called a zonoid. …

Editorial| Journal of Symbolic Computation-Volume 38, Issue 4

AM Cohen, XS Gao, N Takayama - Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2004 - core.ac.uk
… Fukuda, From the Zonotope Construction to the Minkowski Addition of Convex Polytopes. …

[PS][PS] Paul H. Edelman

V Reiner - www-users.cse.umn.edu
We give a positive answer for the special case of the Generalized Baues Problem which asks
whether the complex of triangulations of a point set A in general position in the plane has …

[HTML][HTML] Min-up/min-down polytopes

J Lee, J Leung, F Margot - Discrete Optimization, 2004 - Elsevier
… In this way, we can view ρ(P T (1,1)) as a zonotope (ie, an affine transformation of a …
Therefore, the zonotope ρ(P T (1,1)=C T ) has volume 2. Also, since the cross polytope C T ∗ is …

Optimal multiplication of G-intervals

LV Kolev - Reliable Computing, 2007 - Springer
… Otherwise, one should resort to standard multiplication rules for affine forms [3], [4] since
the goal in affine arithmetic is to minimize the “volume” of the implied zonotopes, not just the …

A Kalman filter extension for the analysis of imprecise time series

I Neumann, H Kutterer - 2007 15th European Signal Processing …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… vector is exact component by component but overestimates the correct range of values
which is a convex polyhedron (zonotope). See [9] for a detailed description of zonotopes. …