[PDF][PDF] Sphere coverings, lattices and tilings
F Vallentin - Technishe Universität Müchen Zentrum Mathematik …, 2003 - Citeseer
The main subject of this thesis is the geometry of low dimensional lattices. We concentrate
on two central problems: the lattice covering problem and the classification of polytopes that …
on two central problems: the lattice covering problem and the classification of polytopes that …
A direct-reverse time interval observer. Application to biotechnological models
This paper introduces a new interval observer based on direct and reverse time estimates.
The observer is designed on the basis of the optimal observer proposed in (Moisan et al., …
The observer is designed on the basis of the optimal observer proposed in (Moisan et al., …
Robust MPC of constrained nonlinear systems based on interval arithmetic
… extended to the notion of zonotopes: a zonotope is an affine mapping of an hypercube and
it is quite more general than standard intervals. In this case, zonotopes can be used to obtain …
it is quite more general than standard intervals. In this case, zonotopes can be used to obtain …
[PDF][PDF] The Empire Problem in Penrose Tilings
L Effinger-Dean - … Thesis, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA, 2006 - cs.williams.edu
… The dual tiling of a multigrid consists of zonotopes. A zonotope is a polytope (a generalization
of polygons to multiple dimensions) with point symmetry whose faces also have point …
of polygons to multiple dimensions) with point symmetry whose faces also have point …
Set membership parameter identification with complex intervals using polar forms
This paper is dedicated to bounded error identification with complex valued non-linear models.
Complex intervals are characterized by using polar forms and a new inclusion function is …
Complex intervals are characterized by using polar forms and a new inclusion function is …
[PDF][PDF] Rogers & Shephard type inequalities for the p-th difference body of a convex body
C Bianchini, A Colesanti - php.math.unifi.it
… Gronchi show an analogous result for p-zonotopes instead of the p-sum, p ∈ (1,∞) (see [2]).
As a consequence of Theorem 3 and the previous considerations, if {K(t)} is a parallel chord …
As a consequence of Theorem 3 and the previous considerations, if {K(t)} is a parallel chord …
Remarks on one combinatorial application of the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities
DG Wagner - arXiv preprint math/0406339, 2004 - arxiv.org
In 1981, Stanley applied the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities to prove a logarithmic
concavity theorem for regular matroids. Using ideas from electrical network theory we prove a …
concavity theorem for regular matroids. Using ideas from electrical network theory we prove a …
On‐line state estimation for nonlinear dynamical systems
NM Dmitruk - PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
A problem of estimation of states of a dynamical object on the base of incomplete and inexact
measurements is studied. The focus is on a set‐based estimation of states required for …
measurements is studied. The focus is on a set‐based estimation of states required for …
[PDF][PDF] Geodetic Deformation Analysis with respect to Observation Imprecision
I Neumann, H Kutterer - Proc. XXIII FIG Congress, 2006 - fig.net
• The presented strategy allows in our opinion a more suitable description of measurement
uncertainties than in the pure stochastic case• Independent extension of the pure stochastic …
uncertainties than in the pure stochastic case• Independent extension of the pure stochastic …
[PDF][PDF] Lattice geometry
P Engel, L Michel, M Sénéchal - 2004 - cds.cern.ch
… Delone proved the case n 4, Engel established it for n = 5, and Erdahl showed that Voronoii's
conjecture is true when P is a zonotope. Aside from these special cases, the conjecture …
conjecture is true when P is a zonotope. Aside from these special cases, the conjecture …