ſ card (E ſhM) pun—k (dE)= ank Ak (M),(1)
R SCHNEIDER - … Geometry and Convexity: Wuhan, China, 18-23 …, 2006 - books.google.com
… symmetric; they are called zonotopes, since their facets are arranged in zones. A convex
body which can be approximated, in the Hausdorff metric, by Zonotopes, is called a zonoid. …
body which can be approximated, in the Hausdorff metric, by Zonotopes, is called a zonoid. …
Verification of temporal properties on hybrid automata by simulation relations
Model checking can be used to verify temporal properties of hybrid automata. However,
model checking is not decidable in general. We overcome this difficulty by considering a …
model checking is not decidable in general. We overcome this difficulty by considering a …
Linear multi-mode modelling using set-membership approach
K Shahriari, O Adrot, JM Flaus - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2006 - Elsevier
The aim of this work is to find a tube which encloses a sequence of points representing a shape
that uses a set of linear static models by set-membership approach. The sequence of the …
that uses a set of linear static models by set-membership approach. The sequence of the …
[BOOK][B] Combinatorial and computational geometry
JE Goodman, J Pach, E Welzl, P János - 2005 - books.google.com
This volume, containing 32 papers on a broad range of topics of current interest in the field,
is an outgrowth of the synergism of Discrete and Computational Geometry. It includes …
is an outgrowth of the synergism of Discrete and Computational Geometry. It includes …
[PDF][PDF] The set R (H):= fXR 2 f+;; 0gE: R is Hcg encodes all the
IPF da Silva - researchgate.net
… For that recall that zonotopes are those convex polytopes whose faces are centrally symmetric
and also that the face lattice of a zonotopes is the dual of the lattice of closed faces of a …
and also that the face lattice of a zonotopes is the dual of the lattice of closed faces of a …
On real factors of real interval polynomials
H Sekigawa - Proceedings of the 2007 international symposium on …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
… Since interval polynomials can be regarded as a special class of polytopes (zonotopes),
we solve the problem using the special properties of the class for efficiency, while linear …
we solve the problem using the special properties of the class for efficiency, while linear …
Flip dynamics in three-dimensional random tilings
V Desoutter, N Destainville - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2004 - iopscience.iop.org
… the zonotope generated by the vectors (e1, e2,..., eD) [18, 15] (in dimension 2, this zonotope
… Zonotopes are convex and centro-symmetric. This boundary is uniquely determined by the …
… Zonotopes are convex and centro-symmetric. This boundary is uniquely determined by the …
Rate of convergence of geometric symmetrizations
B Klartag - Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 2004 - Springer
… , then the segment is transformed into a zonotope which is a sum of no more than 1/ε …
Even in dimension two, this zonotope cannot be ε-close to a Euclidean ball, for a small …
Even in dimension two, this zonotope cannot be ε-close to a Euclidean ball, for a small …
Robust fault detection using linear interval observers
V Puig, J Quevedo, T Escobet, A Stancu - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2003 - Elsevier
The problem of robustness in fault detection using observers has been treated basically using
the active approach, based on decoupling the effects of the uncertainty from the effects of …
the active approach, based on decoupling the effects of the uncertainty from the effects of …
[HTML][HTML] Binary choice, subset choice, random utility, and ranking: A unified perspective using the permutahedron
J Zhang - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2004 - Elsevier
… To verify that the zonotope described by the above z vector is indeed the d-permutahedron,
we proceed to show that its components, hereafter denoted v i with an abuse of notation v i =…
we proceed to show that its components, hereafter denoted v i with an abuse of notation v i =…