ſ card (E ſhM) pun—k (dE)= ank Ak (M),(1)

R SCHNEIDER - … Geometry and Convexity: Wuhan, China, 18-23 …, 2006 - books.google.com
… symmetric; they are called zonotopes, since their facets are arranged in zones. A convex
body which can be approximated, in the Hausdorff metric, by Zonotopes, is called a zonoid. …

Verification of temporal properties on hybrid automata by simulation relations

A D'Innocenzo, AA Julius, GJ Pappas… - 2007 46th IEEE …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Model checking can be used to verify temporal properties of hybrid automata. However,
model checking is not decidable in general. We overcome this difficulty by considering a …

Linear multi-mode modelling using set-membership approach

K Shahriari, O Adrot, JM Flaus - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2006 - Elsevier
The aim of this work is to find a tube which encloses a sequence of points representing a shape
that uses a set of linear static models by set-membership approach. The sequence of the …

[BOOK][B] Combinatorial and computational geometry

JE Goodman, J Pach, E Welzl, P János - 2005 - books.google.com
This volume, containing 32 papers on a broad range of topics of current interest in the field,
is an outgrowth of the synergism of Discrete and Computational Geometry. It includes …

[PDF][PDF] The set R (H):= fXR 2 f+;; 0gE: R is Hcg encodes all the

IPF da Silva - researchgate.net
… For that recall that zonotopes are those convex polytopes whose faces are centrally symmetric
and also that the face lattice of a zonotopes is the dual of the lattice of closed faces of a …

On real factors of real interval polynomials

H Sekigawa - Proceedings of the 2007 international symposium on …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
… Since interval polynomials can be regarded as a special class of polytopes (zonotopes),
we solve the problem using the special properties of the class for efficiency, while linear …

Flip dynamics in three-dimensional random tilings

V Desoutter, N Destainville - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2004 - iopscience.iop.org
… the zonotope generated by the vectors (e1, e2,..., eD) [18, 15] (in dimension 2, this zonotope
Zonotopes are convex and centro-symmetric. This boundary is uniquely determined by the …

Rate of convergence of geometric symmetrizations

B Klartag - Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 2004 - Springer
… , then the segment is transformed into a zonotope which is a sum of no more than 1/ε …
Even in dimension two, this zonotope cannot be ε-close to a Euclidean ball, for a small …

Robust fault detection using linear interval observers

V Puig, J Quevedo, T Escobet, A Stancu - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2003 - Elsevier
The problem of robustness in fault detection using observers has been treated basically using
the active approach, based on decoupling the effects of the uncertainty from the effects of …

[HTML][HTML] Binary choice, subset choice, random utility, and ranking: A unified perspective using the permutahedron

J Zhang - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2004 - Elsevier
… To verify that the zonotope described by the above z vector is indeed the d-permutahedron,
we proceed to show that its components, hereafter denoted v i with an abuse of notation v i =…