Identification and use of efficient faces and facets in DEA
OB Olesen, NC Petersen - Journal of productivity Analysis, 2003 - Springer
This paper provides an outline of possible uses of complete information on the facial structure
of a polyhedral empirical production possibility set obtained by DEA. It is argued that an …
of a polyhedral empirical production possibility set obtained by DEA. It is argued that an …
Deepest points and least deep points: robustness and outliers with MZE
C Becker, SP Scholz - From data and information analysis to knowledge …, 2006 - Springer
… Compute the volume of the estimated centered zonotope for all subsets. 3. Choose the …
(2003): A scatter matrix estimate based on the zonotope, Ann. Statist., 31, 1439-1459. LIU, RY (…
(2003): A scatter matrix estimate based on the zonotope, Ann. Statist., 31, 1439-1459. LIU, RY (…
[HTML][HTML] Reachability analysis of continuous dynamic systems using dimension reduction and decomposition
Z Han - 2005 -
… We discuss the relationship between the representation for zonotopes proposed in [40]
and … introduced in this chapter and the zonotope representations introduced in [40]. …
and … introduced in this chapter and the zonotope representations introduced in [40]. …
[PDF][PDF] Convex Sets and their Applications
… Special classes of polytopes, such as cubical polytopes and zonotopes, have been studied.
In addition there are some results on more general classes of partially ordered sets: general …
In addition there are some results on more general classes of partially ordered sets: general …
[HTML][HTML] Fundamental groups of blow-ups
M Davis, T Januszkiewicz, R Scott - Advances in Mathematics, 2003 - Elsevier
… zonotope Z admit a group of symmetries that is simply transitive on the vertex set of Z. The
most obvious zonotopes with … (NB a Coxeter cell is a zonotope corresponding to a hyperplane …
most obvious zonotopes with … (NB a Coxeter cell is a zonotope corresponding to a hyperplane …
The tight span of an antipodal metric space: Part II—Geometrical properties
KT Huber, JH Koolen, V Moulton - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2004 - Springer
… This is in accordance with [1], results from which imply that these cells must be zonotopes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we summarize some wellknown …
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we summarize some wellknown …
Docteur de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne
GEH Amadou -
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'appliquer, aux problèmes de fusion de données, les techniques
de résolution des CSP (Problèmes de Satisfaction de Contraintes) sur des pavés réels …
de résolution des CSP (Problèmes de Satisfaction de Contraintes) sur des pavés réels …
Erich W. Ellers, Branko Grünbaum, Peter McMullen, Asia Ivic Weiss
EW Ellers - NOTICES OF THE AMS, 2003 -
… He seems to have been the first to note (in [1]) the equivalence of zonotopes and arrangements
of hyperplanes, which nowadays is taken as completely natural. The survey [2] led to …
of hyperplanes, which nowadays is taken as completely natural. The survey [2] led to …
Designing New Apartment Buildings For Strings And Conformal Field Theories
AL Kholodenko - New Developments in String Theory Research, 2006 -
… the concept of zonotope which we would like to explain now. … The concept of zonotope is
actually not new. According to … the most elementary properties of zonotopes. To this purpose…
actually not new. According to … the most elementary properties of zonotopes. To this purpose…
Constructions arborescentes d'immeubles
F Haglund, F Paulin - Mathematische Annalen, 2003 - Springer
We prove that, contrarily to the case of spherical and euclidean buidings, the set of (isomorphism
classes of) locally finite 3-dimensional hyperbolic buildings is uncountable. The proof …
classes of) locally finite 3-dimensional hyperbolic buildings is uncountable. The proof …