[PDF][PDF] Convolutions of inverse linear functions via multivariate residues

Y Baryshnikov, R Pemantle - preprint, 2004 - researchgate.net
Let F (z1,... zd)=∏ nj= 1 η lj (z1,..., zd) nj be the quotient of an analytic function by a product
of linear functions lj:= 1−∑ bijzi. We compute asymptotic formulae for the Taylor coefficients …

The combinatorics of reduced decompositions

BE Tenner - 2006 - dspace.mit.edu
This thesis examines several aspects of reduced decompositions in finite Coxeter groups.
Effort is primarily concentrated on the symmetric group, although some discussions are …

[PDF][PDF] Notes on Inequality Measurement: Hardy, Littlewood and Polya, Schur Convexity and Majorization

M Le Breton - 2006 - Citeseer
… Koshevoy has also developed e&cient algorithms to compare two zonotopes and compared
his order to some previous multivariate orders like for instance the one proposed by Taguchi …

Webcomputing service framework

E Popova - 2006 - sci-gems.math.bas.bg
Presented is webComputing – a general framework of mathematically oriented services
including remote access to hardware and software resources for mathematical computations, …

[PDF][PDF] A Comparison of Rhythmic Similarity Measures.

GT Toussaint - ISMIR, 2004 - jeff.cs.mcgill.ca
Measuring the similarity between rhythms is a fundamental problem in computational music
theory, with many applications such as music information retrieval and copyright …

Verification using simulation

A Girard, GJ Pappas - … Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and …, 2006 - Springer
Verification and simulation have always been complementary, if not competing, approaches
to system design. In this paper, we present a novel method for so-called metric transition …

Memorial Articles

N BRESLOW, B MCNENEY, J WELLNER - projecteuclid.org
Memorial Articles EFRON, BRADLEY. Robbins, empirical Bayes and microarrays . . . . 366–378
LAI, TZE LEUNG. Stochastic approxim Page 1 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 31 Memorial …

Approximate bisimulations for constrained linear systems

A Girard, GJ Pappas - … of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, inspired by exact notions of bi-simulation equivalence for discrete-event and
continuous-time systems, we establish approximate bi-simulation equivalence for linear …

[PDF][PDF] The minimum area of convex lattice n-gons

I Bárány, N Tokushige - Combinatorica, 2004 - Citeseer
… Then P is the zonotope spanned by {z1,...,zk}, ie, P = … If x∈conv{±x1,...,±xk} and x=±xi (∀i),
then there is aj such that replacing xj by x gives a zonotope with smaller area. …

f-vectors of Minkowski additions of convex polytopes

K Fukuda, C Weibel - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2007 - Springer
The objective of this paper is to present two types of results on Minkowski sums of convex
polytopes. The first is about a special class of polytopes we call perfectly centered and the …