[PDF][PDF] Candidate Sets for Complex Interval Arithmetic
V Kreinovich - researchgate.net
Uncertainty of measuring complex-valued physical quantities can be described by complex
sets. These sets can have complicated shapes, so we would like to nd a good approximating …
sets. These sets can have complicated shapes, so we would like to nd a good approximating …
Reconstruction of convex bodies from brightness functions
RJ Gardner, P Milanfar - Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2003 - Springer
… This says that for any zonoid and finite set of directions, there is a zonotope that has the
same support function values as the zonoid in those directions. Since every projection body is a …
same support function values as the zonoid in those directions. Since every projection body is a …
State estimation for piecewise affine, discrete time systems with bounded disturbances
SV Rakovic, DQ Mayne - … on Decision and Control (CDC)(IEEE …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The use of minimum volume zonotopes in a fairly general setup has been recently proposed
and analysed in [14]. Further results on approximation methods are given in [15], where …
and analysed in [14]. Further results on approximation methods are given in [15], where …
ЕД Попова, М Иванова - math.bas.bg
Представени са функционалните възможности на нова уеб услуга, наречена" Scientific
Visualization", за интерактивно генериране на графики на функции и визуализация на …
Visualization", за интерактивно генериране на графики на функции и визуализация на …
[PDF][PDF] Shape and position uncertainty in mechanical assemblies
Y Ostrovsky-Berman - 2005 - cs.huji.ac.il
… 82 5.4 The contact zonotope and its contribution to the strong NDBG . . . . . 83 5.5 The strong
… symmetric polytope called a zonotope [21, 87]. The complexity of a zonotope in the plane is …
… symmetric polytope called a zonotope [21, 87]. The complexity of a zonotope in the plane is …
Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems using trajectory piecewise linearized models
Z Han, BH Krogh - 2006 American Control Conference, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a method to compute overapproximations of the reach set for nonlinear
dynamic systems using trajectory piecewise linearized (TPWL) models. Based on existing …
dynamic systems using trajectory piecewise linearized (TPWL) models. Based on existing …
Extremal convex sets for Sylvester–Busemann type functionals
S Campi, P Gronchi - Applicable Analysis, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The Sylvester (d+2)-points problem deals with the probability S(K) that d + 2 random points
taken from a convex compact subset K of are not the vertices of any convex polytope and …
taken from a convex compact subset K of are not the vertices of any convex polytope and …
Matroid polytopes, nested sets and Bergman fans
EM Feichtner, B Sturmfels - arXiv preprint math/0411260, 2004 - arxiv.org
The tropical variety defined by linear equations with constant coefficients is the Bergman fan
of the corresponding matroid. Building on a self-contained introduction to matroid polytopes, …
of the corresponding matroid. Building on a self-contained introduction to matroid polytopes, …
[PDF][PDF] Contributed Talk Sessions
N Sohaee - math.tamu.edu
… Resulting information on the flag h-vector translates into information about zonotopes
associated to oriented matroids, and the flag h-vectors of spherical buildings. …
associated to oriented matroids, and the flag h-vectors of spherical buildings. …
G PANINA - sfb701.math.uni-bielefeld.de
… These 12 circles generate a regular tiling of S2 (it is the fan of some zonotope). The tiling
can be regularly triangulated without adding new vertices. Fix such a triangulation T. …
can be regularly triangulated without adding new vertices. Fix such a triangulation T. …