[PDF][PDF] A partition of the unit sphere into regions of equal area and small diameter
P Leopardi - Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2006 - gwdg.de
… j to prove their Theorem 1 on the approximation of zonoids by zonotopes. …
LINDENSTRAUSS, Distribution of points on spheres and approximation by zonotopes, …
LINDENSTRAUSS, Distribution of points on spheres and approximation by zonotopes, …
A geometric study of the split decomposition
H Hirai - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2006 - Springer
This paper sheds new light on split decomposition theory and T-theory from the viewpoint of
convex analysis and polyhedral geometry. By regarding finite metrics as discrete concave …
convex analysis and polyhedral geometry. By regarding finite metrics as discrete concave …
[HTML][HTML] A note on the structure of spaces of domino tilings
M Morvan, E Rémila, E Thierry - Discrete mathematics, 2007 - Elsevier
We study spaces of tilings, formed by tilings which are on a geodesic between two fixed tilings
of the same domain (the distance is defined using local flips). We prove that each space of …
of the same domain (the distance is defined using local flips). We prove that each space of …
Stochastic order relations and lattices of probability measures
A Müller, M Scarsini - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2006 - SIAM
We study various partially ordered spaces of probability measures and we determine which
of them are lattices. This has important consequences for optimization problems with …
of them are lattices. This has important consequences for optimization problems with …
[PDF][PDF] Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry
T Oda, BT Paris - publications.mfo.de
… One corollary is that the quasisymmetric functions 2F(Z), for Z the face-lattice of a
zonotope (alternately, hyperplane arrangement) form a full-dimensional sublattice in . …
zonotope (alternately, hyperplane arrangement) form a full-dimensional sublattice in . …
Tiling Problems
P Brass, WOJ Moser, J Pach - Research Problems in Discrete Geometry, 2005 - Springer
… The statement is also true if P is a zonotope, ie, the Minkowski sum of finitely many segments
(see Shephard [Sh74]; McMullen [McM75]; Erdahl [Er99]). Two face-to-face tilings T and T …
(see Shephard [Sh74]; McMullen [McM75]; Erdahl [Er99]). Two face-to-face tilings T and T …
A short-run Johansen industry model for common-pool resources: planning a fishery's industrial capacity to curb overfishing
K Kerstens, N Vestergaard… - European Review of …, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Current methods for assessing capacity and its utilisation in fisheries operate at the firm-level,
but neglect industry capacity. Here, we introduce the Johansen-Färe measure of plant …
but neglect industry capacity. Here, we introduce the Johansen-Färe measure of plant …
[PDF][PDF] Retículos en espacios euclídeos
JP ROSSETTI - Notas de curso del Encuentro Nacional de …, 2006 - famaf.unc.edu.ar
Un retıculo (o lattice) en un espacio euclıdeo Rn es el conjunto de combinaciones lineales
enteras de n vectores linealmente independientes en Rn. Intentaremos ver un panorama …
enteras de n vectores linealmente independientes en Rn. Intentaremos ver un panorama …
Hypercube embedding of Wythoffians
M Deza, M Dutour, S Shpectorov - arXiv preprint math/0407527, 2004 - arxiv.org
The Wythoff construction takes a $d$-dimensional polytope $P$, a subset $S$ of $\{0,..., d\}$
and returns another $d$-dimensional polytope $P(S)$. If $P$ is a regular polytope, then $P(…
and returns another $d$-dimensional polytope $P(S)$. If $P$ is a regular polytope, then $P(…
The geometric approach for computing the joint spectral radius
V Protasov - Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This research was supported by the grant RFBR 05-01-00066 and by the grant 304.2003.1
supporting the leading scientific schools. In this paper we describe the geometric approach …
supporting the leading scientific schools. In this paper we describe the geometric approach …