[HTML][HTML] Two-dimensional Minkowski sum optimization of ganged stamping blank layouts for use on pre-cut sheet metal for convex and concave parts
R Mulero, B Layton - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2007 - Elsevier
With the increasing number of parts that manufacturers need to place on a piece of material
such as sheet metal, the need increases for more sophisticated algorithms for part …
such as sheet metal, the need increases for more sophisticated algorithms for part …
Sobolev spaces on graphs
MI Ostrovskii - Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
The present paper is devoted to discrete analogues of Sobolev spaces of smooth functions.
The discrete analogues that we consider are spaces of functions on vertex sets of graphs. …
The discrete analogues that we consider are spaces of functions on vertex sets of graphs. …
The stability of the Rogers–Shephard inequality and of some related inequalities
K Böröczky Jr - Advances in Mathematics, 2005 - Elsevier
… If K is a polytope then PK is a zonotope, which is shown by the following geometric interpretation:
Let F1, y, Fm be the facets of K, and let vi be the exterior normal to Fi whose Euclidean …
Let F1, y, Fm be the facets of K, and let vi be the exterior normal to Fi whose Euclidean …
Application of multivariate splines to discrete mathematics
Z Xu - arXiv preprint math/0505129, 2005 - arxiv.org
Using methods developed in multivariate splines, we present an explicit formula for discrete
truncated powers, which are defined as the number of non-negative integer solutions of …
truncated powers, which are defined as the number of non-negative integer solutions of …
[HTML][HTML] Enumerating degree sequences in digraphs and a cycle–cocycle reversing system
E Gioan - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2007 - Elsevier
We give some new enumerations of indegree sequences of orientations of a graph using
the Tutte polynomial. Then we introduce some discrete dynamical systems in digraphs …
the Tutte polynomial. Then we introduce some discrete dynamical systems in digraphs …
The Stirling polynomial of a simplicial complex
G Hetyei - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2006 - Springer
We introduce a new encoding of the face numbers of a simplicial complex, its Stirling
polynomial, that has a simple expression obtained by multiplying each face number with an …
polynomial, that has a simple expression obtained by multiplying each face number with an …
B Grünbaum - Convex Polytopes, 2003 - Springer
The aim of the present chapter is to describe in some detail certain polytopes and families of
polytopes. This should serve the double purpose of familiarizing the reader with geometric …
polytopes. This should serve the double purpose of familiarizing the reader with geometric …
[PDF][PDF] The p-affine surface area
Y Jun, L Songjun, L Gangsong - MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES …, 2007 - files.ele-math.com
… [19] SJ LV, GS LENG, Extended Affine Surface Area and Zonotopes, J.Kore.Math.…
[PDF][PDF] Robustheitskonzepte und-untersuchungen für Schätzer konvexer Körper
SP Scholz - core.ac.uk
Kontur-Toleranzbereiche werden um ein Zentrum θ∈ IRd einer Verteilung F∈ F konstruiert.
Dieses Zentrum kann zum Beispiel dem Erwartungswert oder einem multivariaten Median …
Dieses Zentrum kann zum Beispiel dem Erwartungswert oder einem multivariaten Median …
[PDF][PDF] Triangulations Of Point Sets
J Rambau, FS Leal - 2003 - personales.unican.es
When solving a difficult problem it is a natural idea to decompose complicated objects into
smaller, easy-tohandle pieces. In this book we study such decompositions: triangulations of …
smaller, easy-tohandle pieces. In this book we study such decompositions: triangulations of …