Observability of hybrid automata by abstraction

A D'Innocenzo, MD Di Benedetto… - International Workshop on …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper, we deal with the observability problem of a class of Hybrid Systems whose
output is a timed string on a finite alphabet. We determine under which conditions it is always …

[BOOK][B] Scale-isometric polytopal graphs in hypercubes and cubic lattices: Polytopes in hypercubes and Zn

M Deza, V Grishukhin, M Shtogrin - 2004 - books.google.com
This monograph identifies polytopes that are" combinatorially ℓ1-embeddable", within
interesting lists of polytopal graphs, ie such that corresponding polytopes are either prominent …

Computing all faces of the Minkowski sum of V-polytopes

K Fukuda, C Weibel - … of the 17th Canadian Conference on …, 2005 - infoscience.epfl.ch
We consider the problem of listing faces of the Minkowski sum of several V-polytopes in R^ d.
An algorithm for listing all faces of dimension up to j is presented, for any given 0<= j<= d-1…

Safety verification of hybrid systems by constraint propagation-based abstraction refinement

S Ratschan, Z She - ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
This paper deals with the problem of safety verification of nonlinear hybrid systems. We start
from a classical method that uses interval arithmetic to check whether trajectories can move …

[PDF][PDF] BIRS Workshop Resolution of singularities, factorization of birational mappings, and toroidal geometry December 11–16, 2004

D Saturday - 2004 - birs.ca
All lectures are held in the main lecture hall, Max Bell 159. Please note that the meeting space
designated for BIRS is the lower level of Max Bell, Rooms 155-159. Please respect that all …

[BOOK][B] Minimal projections in Banach spaces: problems of existence and uniqueness and their application

W Odyniec, G Lewicki - 2006 - books.google.com
This book results in part from lectures held by the first author at the Pedagogical University
of Bydgoszcz in 1984-85. A part of the present text C chapters I, II, IV) is a revised version of …

Separating two classes of samples using support vectors in a convex hull

CX Wu - 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions of two finite classes of
samples that can be separated by a hyperplane in terms of support vectors which are just the …

On the hardness of minkowski addition and related operations

HR Tiwary - Proceedings of the twenty-third annual symposium on …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
For polytopes P, Q⊂ R d we consider the intersection P∪ Q; the convex hull of the union CH
(P∪ Q); and the Minkowski sum P+ Q. We prove that given rational H-polytopes P 1, P 2, Q …

[PDF][PDF] Minkowski addition of convex polytopes

M Kvasnica - 2005 - researchgate.net
This note summarizes recent results from computational geometry which determine complexity
of computing Minkowski sum of k convex polytopes in Rd, which are represented either in …


YE Anikonov, M Yamamoto - ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
§ 1. Introduction and Key Lemma. In an inverse problem, we are required to determine
coefficients in a partial differential equation in order that the solution to the differential equation …