Lectures on Polytopes, Updated seventh printing of the first edition

GM Ziegler - Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 2006 - Springer
" From the publication of the first printing, in 1994, this book became one of the most widely
used textbooks in Discrete Geometry. The reviewer sees at least two reasons for that: the …

J. Bourgain, M. Gromov IHES, France

EOF BIFRNSTEIN - … of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA …, 2006 - books.google.com
We first recall some basic definitions on widths (cf.[P] for more details). Let X be a real
complex normed linear space and A a closed, convex centrally symmetric subset of X. The n-…

Minkowski sums and spherical duals

JM Sullivan - Bridges London: Mathematics, Music, Art …, 2006 - archive.bridgesmathart.org
At Bridges 2001, Zongker and Hart [8] gave a construction for “blending” two polyhedra using
an overlay of dual spherical nets. The resulting blend, they noted, is the Minkowski sum of …

Hybridization based reachability of uncertain planar affine systems

O Nasri, MA Lefebvre… - 2005 IEEE Conference on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The behaviour verification of hybrid systems, for example for safety properties, is based on
the computation of the reachable state space of a hybrid automaton modelling the system …

Systematic simulation using sensitivity analysis

A Donzé, O Maler - … Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and …, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we propose a new technique for verification by simulation of continuous and
hybrid dynamical systems with uncertain initial conditions. We provide an algorithmic …

Enumerative properties of Ferrers graphs

R Ehrenborg, S Van Willigenburg - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2004 - Springer
We define a class of bipartite graphs that correspond naturally with Ferrers diagrams. We
give expressions for the number of spanning trees, the number of Hamiltonian paths when …

Exploring Multidimensional Ranking through Permutationial Polytope

G Giordano - Statistical Methods for Performance Analysis, 2006 - academia.edu
In this paper we propose an original approach to the analysis of ranking data. The proposed
technique is based on the theory of the permutation sets. Dealing with untied ranking, the …

Robust test generation and coverage for hybrid systems

AA Julius, GE Fainekos, M Anand, I Lee… - … Workshop on Hybrid …, 2007 - Springer
Testing is an important tool for validation of the system design and its implementation. Model-based
test generation allows to systematically ascertain whether the system meets its …

Minkowski sum based octree generation for triangular meshes

ED Diktaṣ, AV Ṣahiner - International Symposium on Computer and …, 2006 - Springer
This paper presents an easy-to-implement and efficient method to calculate the Minkowski
Sums of simple convex objects. The method is based on direct manipulation of planes in 3D …

Euclidean sections of direct sums of normed spaces

AE Litvak, VD Milman - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2003 - cambridge.org
We study the dimension of “random” Euclidean sections of direct sums of normed spaces.
We compare the obtained results with results from , to show that for the direct sums the …