[PDF][PDF] On the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex polyhedra
E Fogel, D Halperin, C Weibel - Proceedings of the twenty-third annual …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
We present a tight bound on the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …
Groupoids in combinatorics--applications of a theory of local symmetries
RT Zivaljevic - arXiv preprint math/0605508, 2006 - arxiv.org
An objective of the theory of combinatorial groupoids is to introduce concepts like "holonomy",
"parallel transport", "bundles", "combinatorial curvature" etc. in the context of simplicial (…
"parallel transport", "bundles", "combinatorial curvature" etc. in the context of simplicial (…
[PDF][PDF] Multidimensional egalitarianism and the dominance approach: a lost paradise
A Trannoy - Inequality and Economic Integration, Routledge …, 2006 - researchgate.net
The aim of this article is to provide a selected review of some of typical results regarding
inequality comparisons using the dominance approach in a multivariate context. Price …
inequality comparisons using the dominance approach in a multivariate context. Price …
Bayesian MCMC estimation of the rose of directions
M Prokešová - Kybernetika, 2003 - dml.cz
The paper concerns estimation of the rose of directions of a stationary fibre process in $R^3$
from the intersection counts of the process with test planes. A new approach is suggested …
from the intersection counts of the process with test planes. A new approach is suggested …
A new technique for translating discrete hybrid automata into piecewise affine systems
B Potočnik, G Mušič, B Zupančič - Mathematical and Computer …, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The paper proposes a new translation algorithm that translates a hybrid system described as
a discrete hybrid automaton (DHA) into an equivalent piecewise affine (PWA) system. The …
a discrete hybrid automaton (DHA) into an equivalent piecewise affine (PWA) system. The …
[BOOK][B] Theory of Applications of Models of Computation
B Cooper - 2007 - Springer
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC) is an international conference
series with an interdisciplinary character, bringing together researchers working in computer …
series with an interdisciplinary character, bringing together researchers working in computer …
Eulers Polyhedral Formula, Parts I and II
J Malkevitch - Featured columns, American Mathematical Monthly, 2004 - ams.org
Occasionally a mathematical fact is so significant that the results it leads to give insights which
range widely over a large area of mathematics and its applications. This is true of Euler's …
range widely over a large area of mathematics and its applications. This is true of Euler's …
[PDF][PDF] Project number IST-006413
E Fogel, D Halperin - Citeseer
We present a tight bound on the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …
Permutohedra and minimal matrices
S Onn, E Vallejo - Linear algebra and its applications, 2006 - Elsevier
The notions of minimality, π-uniqueness and additivity originated in discrete tomography.
They have applications to Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric group and arise …
They have applications to Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric group and arise …
[PDF][PDF] Cddlib reference manual
K Fukuda - Report version 093a, McGill University, Montréal …, 2003 - people.inf.ethz.ch
The new functions added in this version include dd MatrixCanonicalize to find a nonredundant
proper H-or V-representation, dd FindRelativeInterior to find a relative interior point of an …
proper H-or V-representation, dd FindRelativeInterior to find a relative interior point of an …