[PDF][PDF] On the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex polyhedra

E Fogel, D Halperin, C Weibel - Proceedings of the twenty-third annual …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
We present a tight bound on the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …

Groupoids in combinatorics--applications of a theory of local symmetries

RT Zivaljevic - arXiv preprint math/0605508, 2006 - arxiv.org
An objective of the theory of combinatorial groupoids is to introduce concepts like "holonomy",
"parallel transport", "bundles", "combinatorial curvature" etc. in the context of simplicial (…

[PDF][PDF] Multidimensional egalitarianism and the dominance approach: a lost paradise

A Trannoy - Inequality and Economic Integration, Routledge …, 2006 - researchgate.net
The aim of this article is to provide a selected review of some of typical results regarding
inequality comparisons using the dominance approach in a multivariate context. Price …

Bayesian MCMC estimation of the rose of directions

M Prokešová - Kybernetika, 2003 - dml.cz
The paper concerns estimation of the rose of directions of a stationary fibre process in $R^3$
from the intersection counts of the process with test planes. A new approach is suggested …

A new technique for translating discrete hybrid automata into piecewise affine systems

B Potočnik, G Mušič, B Zupančič - Mathematical and Computer …, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The paper proposes a new translation algorithm that translates a hybrid system described as
a discrete hybrid automaton (DHA) into an equivalent piecewise affine (PWA) system. The …

[BOOK][B] Theory of Applications of Models of Computation

B Cooper - 2007 - Springer
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC) is an international conference
series with an interdisciplinary character, bringing together researchers working in computer …

Eulers Polyhedral Formula, Parts I and II

J Malkevitch - Featured columns, American Mathematical Monthly, 2004 - ams.org
Occasionally a mathematical fact is so significant that the results it leads to give insights which
range widely over a large area of mathematics and its applications. This is true of Euler's …

[PDF][PDF] Project number IST-006413

E Fogel, D Halperin - Citeseer
We present a tight bound on the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of convex
polyhedra in R3. In particular, we prove that the maximum number of facets of the Minkowski …

Permutohedra and minimal matrices

S Onn, E Vallejo - Linear algebra and its applications, 2006 - Elsevier
The notions of minimality, π-uniqueness and additivity originated in discrete tomography.
They have applications to Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric group and arise …

[PDF][PDF] Cddlib reference manual

K Fukuda - Report version 093a, McGill University, Montréal …, 2003 - people.inf.ethz.ch
The new functions added in this version include dd MatrixCanonicalize to find a nonredundant
proper H-or V-representation, dd FindRelativeInterior to find a relative interior point of an …