Data depth and maximum feasible subsystems

K Fukuda, V Rosta - Graph theory and combinatorial optimization, 2005 - Springer
Various data depth measures were introduced in nonparametric statistics as multidimensional
generalizations of ranks and of the median. A related problem in optimization is to find a …


平岡和幸, 三島健稔 - 日本神経回路学会誌, 2006 -
Unlike ordinary reinforcement learning (RL) for a single task, RL for a family of tasks is desired
in time-varying environments, multi-criteria problems, and inverse RL. In the present paper…

Exact parallel algorithms for the location depth and the maximum feasible subsystem problems

K Fukuda, V Rosta - Frontiers in global optimization, 2004 - Springer
Given a system of linear relations, we consider the problem of finding a maximum feasible
subsystem, that is a solution satisfying as many relations as possible. This general problem, …

[PDF][PDF] Gheorghe Tzitzeica-an incomplete bibliography

GT Pripoae, R Gogu - Balkan J. Geom. Appl, 2005 -
The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with: the list of scientific papers and books of
Gheorghe Tzitzeica; a record with miscellanea papers (in elementary Mathematics, …

[PDF][PDF] 1 Research proposal and planned results

A Bhattacharya -
The problem to characterize the degree sequence of r-uniform hypergraphs is one of the
most basic unsolved problems in the theory of hypergraphs [2]. It is the simplest case of the …

Lattices of tilings and stability

N Caspard, M Morvan, É Rémila, E Thierry - 2003 -
Many tiling spaces such as domino tilings of fixed figures have an underlying lattice structure.
This lattice structure corresponds to the dynamics induced by flips. In this paper, we further …

Extremal distances between sections of convex bodies

M Rudelson - Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 2004 - Springer
Introduction Page 1 GAFA, Geom. funct. anal. Vol. 14 (2004) 1063 – 1088 1016-443X/04/051063-…

On the energy of string black holes

I Radinschi, IC Yang - New Developments in String Theory …, 2005 -
The subject of the energy localization continues to be an open one since Einstein has given
his important result of the special theory of relativity that mass is equivalent to energy. Bondi …

Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design

J Lee, S Onn, R Weismantel, Y Berstein… - 2007 -
We study the problem of optimizing nonlinear objective functions over matroids presented
by oracles or explicitly. Such functions can be interpreted as the balancing of multi-criteria …

Bergman complexes, Coxeter arrangements, and graph associahedra

F Ardila, V Reiner, L Williams - arXiv preprint math/0508240, 2005 -
Tropical varieties play an important role in algebraic geometry. The Bergman complex B(M)
and the positive Bergman complex B+(M) of an oriented matroid M generalize to matroids …