M BECK, T ZASLAVSKY - msri.org
… [16] Curtis Greene and Thomas Zaslavsky, On the interpretation of Whitney numbers through
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[PDF][PDF] Anti windup• A multivariable nonlinear algebraic loop as a QP with applications to MP C

A Syaichu-Rohman, RH Middleton, MM Seron… - folk.ntnu.no
… • Robust MPC of constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems based on zonotopes …

[BOOK][B] Algorithmic algebraic model checking: Hybrid automata and systems biology

VP Mysore - 2006 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Systems Biology strives to hasten our understanding of the fundamental principles
of life by adopting a global systems-level approach for the analysis of cellular function and …

[PDF][PDF] Welfare indicators: a review and new perspectives it: measurement of poverty, metron

SR Chakravarty, P Muliere - 2004 - library.isical.ac.in
The purpose of this paper is to present significant results on welfare theoretic approaches to
the measurement of powerty. Alternative forms of indices are analyzed. The problem of …

Perfect simulation of stochastic hybrid systems with an application to peer to peer systems

B Gaujal, F Perronnin, R Bertin - 2006 - hal.inria.fr
In this paper we present a rather general hybrid system made of deterministic differential
equations and random discrete jumps. We then show how to construct a simulation of such a …

[PDF][PDF] Perfect simulation of stochastic hybrid systems with an application to peer to peer systems

BGFPR Bertin - 2006 - Citeseer
In this paper we present a rather general hybrid system made of deterministic differential
equations and random discrete jumps. We then show how to construct a simulation of such a …


T Takeuchi, M Yamamoto - 2007 - ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
We propose a discretized Tikhonov regularization for a Cauchy problem for an elliptic
equation by a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We prove the convergence of discretized …

[BOOK][B] Rational generating functions and lattice point sets

KM Woods - 2004 - search.proquest.com
We prove that, for any fixed d, there is a polynomial time algorithm for computing the generating
function of any projection of the set of integer points in a d-dimensional polytope. This …

[PDF][PDF] International multidimensional comparisons of inequality in disposable income and access to public goods

N Gravel, P Moyes, B Tarroux - Economica, 2005 - academia.edu
This paper provides a comparison of 12 major OECD countries on the basis of the (multidimensional)
inequality in both disposable income and access to some public goods. The public …

On polars of mixed projection bodies

C Zhao, G Leng - Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2006 - Elsevier
Recently, Lutwak established general Minkowski inequality, Brunn–Minkowski inequality
and Aleksandrov–Fenchel inequality for mixed projection bodies. In this paper, following …