Landsberg Curvature, S-Curvature
R Curvature - A Sampler of Riemann-Finsler Geometry, 2004 -
Roughly speaking, Finsler metrics on a manifold are regular, but not necessarily reversible,
distance functions. In 1854, B. Riemann attempted to study a special class of Finsler metrics-…
distance functions. In 1854, B. Riemann attempted to study a special class of Finsler metrics-…
A New Proof of Pappus's Theorem
JJ Carroll - arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.3424, 2007 -
Any stretching of Ringel's non-Pappus pseudoline arrangement when projected into the
Euclidean plane, implicitly contains a particular arrangement of nine triangles. This arrangement …
Euclidean plane, implicitly contains a particular arrangement of nine triangles. This arrangement …
Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane
AD Sokal - Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2004 -
I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials . An immediate corollary is that the chromatic
roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main …
roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main …
[PDF][PDF] Welfare indicators: a review and new perspectives. 2. Measurement of poverty
The purpose of this paper is to present significant results on welfare theoretic approaches to
the measurement of poverty. Alternative forms of indices are analyzed. The problem of …
the measurement of poverty. Alternative forms of indices are analyzed. The problem of …
[PDF][PDF] Inégalités de concentration et géométrie en grande dimension
O Guédon, S Bobkov, G Godefroy, A Koldobskiy… -
L’objectif de ce manuscript est de présenter une synthèse de mes travaux de recherche
dont la liste se trouve ci-dessous. Même si je me suis efforcé de situer ces travaux dans leur …
dont la liste se trouve ci-dessous. Même si je me suis efforcé de situer ces travaux dans leur …
Measuring Changes in Multidimensional Inequality-An Empirical Application
T Nilsson - 2007 -
During the past decade there has been a growing opinion of including more than an income
perspective in the examination of inequality. As a result a broad theoretical literature on the …
perspective in the examination of inequality. As a result a broad theoretical literature on the …
[PDF][PDF] Códigos impositivos lineales. Su efecto sobre poblaciones heterogéneas
LJI Olmedo, EMP Gallardo, MDS Gavilán - … Pública Española/Review …, 2003 -
En este trabajo se considera una población de contribuyentes heterogénea respecto de las
características que, además de la renta, tienen incidencia fiscal. Realizada una partición …
características que, además de la renta, tienen incidencia fiscal. Realizada una partición …
[BOOK][B] Algorithms for linear and nonlinear approximation of large data
B Harb - 2007 -
A central problem in approximation theory is the concise representation of functions. Given a
function or signal described as a vector in high-dimensional space, the goal is to represent …
function or signal described as a vector in high-dimensional space, the goal is to represent …
[BOOK][B] Building random objects sequentially: From characterization to algorithm
J Blitzstein - 2006 -
This thesis addresses the question of how a theorem characterizing a combinatorial
structure can be used to assist with generating random instances of the structure. Efficient …
structure can be used to assist with generating random instances of the structure. Efficient …
Algorithms for modeling and simulation of biological systems; applications to gene regulatory networks
MP Vera-Licona - 2007 -
Systems biology is an emergent field focused on developing a system-level understanding
of biological systems. In the last decade advances in genomics, transcriptomics and …
of biological systems. In the last decade advances in genomics, transcriptomics and …