Robust fault detection and tolerance evaluation using zonotopes

PLG Brito - 2009 -
zonotopes, which include as a special case parallelotopes. This thesis will show that the
zonotope … As an extension of the use of set representation with zonotopes, this thesis presents a …

Volume estimates for Lp-zonotopes and best best constants in Brascamp–Lieb inequalities

D Alonso-Gutiérrez - Mathematika, 2010 -
Given some unit vectors a1,…,am∈ℝn that span all ℝn and some positive numbers θ1,…,θm,
we consider for every p≥1 the convex body We will give some upper bounds for the …

Diagnostic et approches ensemblistes à base de zonotopes

A Lalami - 2008 -
… (by intervals and, more precisely, by zonotopes, a particular class of polytopes), this work …
Using reachability algorithms based on zonotopes to control the dependency problem and …

Belt distance between facets of space-filling zonotopes

AI Garber - Mathematical Notes, 2012 - Springer
… In what follows, we show that the belt diameter of a parallelohedron that is a zonotope of …
a zonotope Z(V ) and the dimension of V decreases, then the corresponding zonotope Z(V \ {v}) …

Notes on lattice points of zonotopes and lattice-face polytopes

C Bey, M Henk, M Henze, E Linke - arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.5574, 2010 -
Minkowski's second theorem on successive minima gives an upper bound on the volume of
a convex body in terms of its successive minima. We study the problem to generalize …

Polynomial time construction of ellipsoidal approximations of zonotopes given by generator descriptions

M Černý, M Rada - International Conference on Theory and Applications of …, 2012 - Springer
… We will take the advantage of the fact that a zonotope given by the generator description
is a kind of an implicitly defined polyhedron in the sense of [6]. … For a proof of polynomial-time …

On the sum of the Voronoi polytope of a lattice with a zonotope

MD Sikiric, V Grishukhin, A Magazinov - arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.4652, 2012 -
… parallelotope P and a zonotope Z(U), where U is the set of vectors used to generate the
zonotope. In this paper … Using this we classify such zonotopes for some highly symmetric lattices. …

[PDF][PDF] Passive robust fault detection for interval LPV systems using zonotopes

F Nejjari, SM De Oca, V Puig… - DX-09 June 14-17 …, 2009 -
… Their effect is addressed using an interval state observation method based on zonotope
zonotopes are used to bound the set of uncertain estimated sets. Let us introduce zonotopes

Robust fault detection for LPV systems using a consistency-based state estimation approach and zonotopes

V Puig, F Nejjari, P Guerra… - 2009 European Control …, 2009 -
… A set-membership state estimator based on propagating the uncertainty using zonotopes is
zonotopes are used to bound the set of uncertain estimated sets. Let us introduce zonotopes

Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters using conservative linearization

M Althoff, O Stursberg, M Buss - 2008 47th IEEE Conference on …, 2008 -
… The splitted zonotopes of the original zonotope Z are denoted Z1, Z2 and the ones of the …
As the set difference of two zonotopes is no zonotope anymore, the zonotopes are over-…